30 September, 2008

obob scared

Nothing scares the unholy crap outta me like the use of children in horror movies. The little undead rugrat in Pet Cemetery, yup I ran. Those spooky little girls in the Shining, I had to watch Home Alone to come down.
But this frightens me. Not in a "obama may win" way." But in a cultish manner in which there is "mass suicide when failure in imminent" way. Isn't Child Protective Services supposed to protect children from this sort of manipulation?

I am going to go hug my children. At least mine will be allowed to think for themselves and not be shamelessly sold out to a communist trained (Miller) terrorist befriended (Ayers) white sox fan.

29 September, 2008

Bears Win

This gut check fourth and goal stop may have saved the first part of the season.

On a side note, do not spill Works toilet bowl cleaner on your carpet. Careful studies in multitasking have discovered it will eat trough your carpet. But damn does my toilet look better!

And what else was there to do?

Intruder dies in home invasion

Indianapolis - Metro Police say a father killed an intruder in his daughter's bedroom in an apparent act of self-defense.
According to police, 52-year-old David Meyers broke into a home in the 3500 block of West 79th Street early Sunday morning and entered the bedroom of a 17-year-old girl. He was carrying condoms, a rope and a knife, wearing nothing but a mask and a pair of latex gloves.
"He had come in, apparently, with the objective of raping her," IMPD Sgt. Matt Mount said.
She was screaming as her father ran into the bedroom and fought off the attacker. When police arrived, the father had his arm around the intruder's throat and was holding him.

End of the story, father kills bad guy. The friggin' intruder was naked with the intent of raping his daughter. Dad puts terminal sleeper-hold on perv, perv dead. Happy ending.

25 September, 2008

Even Chevy says keep real

Sometimes you have to admit you are wrong.

I developed a wee little crush on Campbell Brown during the 2000 election. I found her attractive, intelligent and fairly objective in her coverage of GW.
Apparently she gave that sexist McCain campaign a necessary talkin' to.

This woman is from Alaska for crying out loud. She is strong, she is tough, she is confident. And you claim she is ready to be one heartbeat away from the presidency. If that is the case, then end this chauvinistic treatment of her now. Allow her to show her stuff.
Allow her to face down those pesky reporters just like Barack Obama did today, just like John McCain did today. Just like Joe Biden has done on numerous occasions. Let her have a real news conference with real questions.
Alright, let's breath a focus here Campbell. Have you been paying attention? Unless it's been O'Reilly, Obama has had a free pass. If the MSM has been "pesky" on Obama, the vermin should have a restraint order filed by the McCain camp.

And as for Palin and sexism, have you seen the treatment by the press on her? If the feminist members of the Fourth Estate and any credibility left, it was eradicated the past month or so. Allah forbid a woman defy their doctrine and ideology to be independent of Gloria Steinem's cult. Hence why I dig Camille Paglia, that crafty old lesbian has no fear intellectually with her wit and prose.

24 September, 2008

Sums it up

In every nook of the country, there is that one town or city that has the rich snob rep. In Kentucky they have running water. California, the butlers have butlers.
You know, they have the smell of new money and love to flaunt it. A yuppie conclave. The city tends to buy its way to prominence and becomes the butt of local jokes. In Indy, we have Carmel. There was once a joke a decade plus ago that went like this:

How many Carmel housewives does it take to change a light bulb?

Two, one to call the electrician and the other to make the martinis.

or the chant heard as their sports team lose:

That's alright, that's okay, you gonna work for us some other day.

You get the drift. And my sister has moved into this credit wealthy metropolis. Someone needs to be grounded in that town and she brings it.

Back to the story, I go to my niece's birthday party. An older gentlemen pulls up in a brand new Benz. Nice car. I figure he does business with my brother-in-law.

No, it was the pizza guy. The friggin' pizza guy pulled up in a Mercedes Benz.
That about sums it up.

the next chapter ...

Death has been on my mind a lot lately. Don't fret, I'm not suicidal, nor suffering from a terminal illness.
It's the next adventure in life that fascinates me. I've studied different views of the afterlife from over prepped Ancient Egyptian to pious Christian to the foolish atheist (no bias at the end there?) And it isn't a question of there is no God, God exists. But there have been so many afterlifes out there, what is it?
Maybe it is a concern of the atheist with the odd belief of a vast nothing when we expire. To simple of an answer with no intellectual challenge. Look at what we think. Look how we have advanced. It's an easy out.
Hindu and reincarnation, I don't like the idea of coming back as an Untouchable.
Calvinism, not quite.
Ancient Egypt, my heart would give Ammut heartburn.
And I'm not dwelling on death to avoid life. In fact the opposite has happened. I have grown to appreciate life more. Maybe it is the unemployment. Maybe I'm getting closer to that feared mid-life crisis.
No, just curious on an intellectual level.

I've got to much to do on this planet.
I need an Old Style.

On a side note, my son ripped the H & J keys off my laptop. So my horrendous typing skills are taking a beating.

23 September, 2008

Crossword gone political

While doing the crossword today, I came upon a couple of clues that made me chuckle:
20. High-flown speech
22. Fluff

I thought the answer was Obama

Also 46 down: JFK's assassin. Oswald

Silly rabbit, everyone knows it was a Walt Disney led black ops done by his henchmen, the Seven Dwarfs.

22 September, 2008

Politics in real life

When I play soccer, or make the feeble attempt, there is usually 6 to 12 kids on sidelines belonging to the parents. Last night, my son and couple wandered off with a few of te varmits and I went to bring them back to the fold.

Asking them to come back failed, so I told them,

"Anyone who doesn't come back supports tax hikes!"

All but my youngest nephew fled for fiscal freedom. I gotta work on that little Marxist.

And I Missed Talk Like a Pirate Day

obob - you change your house around more than a lonely housewife!

On that note, I have been missing for a couple weeks due to that reason. Due to a "professional transition," I am Mr. Mom.
Sooooooooooooo, now that my schedule has fleshed out, I back for biz. Cry havoc and let slip my children, cause the dogs of war are pansies.
And as I informed my oldest, she does not reside in a democracy. It is a parentocracy.

07 September, 2008

A Weekend of Sports

Friday: Cardinals beats Navy 35-23:
Nate Davis leads the Ball State Cardinals over a solid Navy squad. But of course, how can you cheer against a service academy?

Saturday: US National Team shuts out Cuba in Cuba.

The guy wearing the US flag bandana has a reason. Due to the trade embargo and travel restrictions we have on the

tyrannical Cuban government, there were four US fans hiding their faces from our government.

Sunday: My beloved Bears defeat the Colts

02 September, 2008

“Do not forget the US imperialist wolves!”
from the Cal Lit Review

No, this is not from the Daly Kos or Murtha's website, but it is North Korean propaganda.

“Let’s extensively raise goats in all families!”

Everybody needs some lovin'

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
Marriage is love.

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