24 September, 2008

the next chapter ...

Death has been on my mind a lot lately. Don't fret, I'm not suicidal, nor suffering from a terminal illness.
It's the next adventure in life that fascinates me. I've studied different views of the afterlife from over prepped Ancient Egyptian to pious Christian to the foolish atheist (no bias at the end there?) And it isn't a question of there is no God, God exists. But there have been so many afterlifes out there, what is it?
Maybe it is a concern of the atheist with the odd belief of a vast nothing when we expire. To simple of an answer with no intellectual challenge. Look at what we think. Look how we have advanced. It's an easy out.
Hindu and reincarnation, I don't like the idea of coming back as an Untouchable.
Calvinism, not quite.
Ancient Egypt, my heart would give Ammut heartburn.
And I'm not dwelling on death to avoid life. In fact the opposite has happened. I have grown to appreciate life more. Maybe it is the unemployment. Maybe I'm getting closer to that feared mid-life crisis.
No, just curious on an intellectual level.

I've got to much to do on this planet.
I need an Old Style.

On a side note, my son ripped the H & J keys off my laptop. So my horrendous typing skills are taking a beating.


Beth said...

How in the world does a kid pry out the H & J out of the freakin' middle of the keyboard?!?

Are you looking for a new job, or content with Mr. Mom? I enjoyed the time home with my kids when they were young, now my work (away from home) is part-time but I'm still a full-time mom, it's the most important job in the world! One you would do well at, I'm sure!

As for death, nothing wrong with thinking about it, as long as you don't dwell on it, and it seems you are not. Too much blogging to be done before you go, my friend!

Perhaps I will request to have my laptop with the wireless connection put in my casket.....just in case!!

Brooke said...

Death is the one equation we can't solve until it is experienced.

Everyone ponders it from time to time.

Obob said...

this the third keyboard he has desecrated. Smalll fingers and a devilish curiousity lead to it.
I can wait for death, I ave a cubs series win to see

Always On Watch said...

The quest for immortality has been one of man's pursuits for millennia. Have you ever read The Epic of Gilgamesh? Even back in the pagan days of Mesopotomia, mankind searched for some kind of afterlife.

All who are born are destined to die. We don't think too much about it most of the time. But as we get older, we can't continue to push aside the thoughts, particularly in those moments when we just start to fall asleep.

Patrick M said...

"What happens after death?" is a question that I, even my greatness, can't answer. I agree that it has to be something, as opposed to nothingness. Hell, even old school Catholic Hell would be preferential to not existing. Especially with the evil rock and roll.

Also, death is so fun if you're a poet.

BTW, have you tattooed those keys into your little shaver's ass for ripping them out? My kids have a computer of their own and they haven't managed that much destruction. Yet.

Joe Gringo said...

As a kid I would try and understand the size of the universe and eternal life and it drove me nuts.....still does.

Atheists like to think of themselves as the intellectual, open minded type, when in fact it is quite the opposite. Believing in eternal life demands a far more exercise of intellect.... there's so much to take in on the topic.

Agnostics are goofs.......hell why not just believe....what have you got to lose? heh

Patrick M said...

Joe: Believing in the After doesn't always require intellect. There are mindless faithful out there too, who accept one point of view alone, and say any other idea is wrong.

They're almost as bad as the "Poof, you're dead" crowd.

But the agnostics have at least thought about it, credit where credit is due.

Rita Loca said...

Love the cartoon. It is good to contemplate.
Do you no longer teach?

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Kissinger Doing the Weather
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