29 September, 2008

And what else was there to do?

Intruder dies in home invasion

Indianapolis - Metro Police say a father killed an intruder in his daughter's bedroom in an apparent act of self-defense.
According to police, 52-year-old David Meyers broke into a home in the 3500 block of West 79th Street early Sunday morning and entered the bedroom of a 17-year-old girl. He was carrying condoms, a rope and a knife, wearing nothing but a mask and a pair of latex gloves.
"He had come in, apparently, with the objective of raping her," IMPD Sgt. Matt Mount said.
She was screaming as her father ran into the bedroom and fought off the attacker. When police arrived, the father had his arm around the intruder's throat and was holding him.

End of the story, father kills bad guy. The friggin' intruder was naked with the intent of raping his daughter. Dad puts terminal sleeper-hold on perv, perv dead. Happy ending.


Beth said...

Probably not end of story, some family member of the perv will sue the father and probably win. But I hope I am wrong.

Of course the anti-2nd amendment crowd will say "see, you don't need a gun to protect yourself!"

Obob said...

love to that one got to trial. But think how less the perv would have suffered with a quick head shot?

Patrick M said...

The world is a better place because the scumbag is dead. It's proof America still works.

Obob said...

you wonder if the police didn't give the dad a high 5

nanc said...

better to be carried by six than tried by twelve i always say.

Obob said...

and he die of strangulation. Rats. I bet he was innocent and misunderstood.

Average American said...

That dad deserves a medal. Look how much he money saved the courts and the penal system!

Law and Order Teacher said...

There were many times in my life that I wanted to let the victim of a crime have some up close and personal interaction with the suspect. Every once in a while the good guys win one, every once in a while. I had a case where some guard dogs deployed at a stadium were overcome by some suspects who threw three of the dogs to their deaths over the stadium walls. When my partner and I arrived, the owner had cornered two of the suspects. He asked us for just a couple minutes with the suspects both 21. I looked at my partner, he looked at me, and we both looked at the dogs. Suddenly both my partner and I felt the need for a smoke break on the other side of the stadium. Ironically, neither of us smoked. Imagine that. Needless to say the suspects were a little scraped up when we got back. They hadn't seen us and didn't suspect our complicity in their asswhipping. I felt good, my partner felt good, the owner got in his licks. The dogs, not so good. What a shame. The suspects got probation. Drats.

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
Marriage is love.

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