29 September, 2008

Bears Win

This gut check fourth and goal stop may have saved the first part of the season.

On a side note, do not spill Works toilet bowl cleaner on your carpet. Careful studies in multitasking have discovered it will eat trough your carpet. But damn does my toilet look better!


Beth said...

Wow, my hubby wouldn't know the first thing about cleaning toilets, kudos to Obob!

Beth said...

And the Cleveland Browns squeaked out a win, there must have been something wacky in the air yesterday!

Brooke said...

Ooh. Too bad about the carpet!

Da Bears!

Obob said...

that was an ugly game with the browns. And my daughter told me she wanted to get married so she could have a husband clean the bathrooms. We almost had a work stoppage

Beth said...

Let your daughter know, it doesn't always work that way!

Personally, I'd take a guy who could cook over a toilet cleaner anyday, but alas I don't have that, either.

Obob said...

I can put a wicked pizza in the oven

Chuck said...

I'm just happy the Lions didn't lose (bye week). Happy for the Bears though, I'm a part time fan and my nephew is big Bears fan. What about those Wolverines Saturday though?

nanc said...

oh dear - is it tennis season. again?

Obob said...

I wrote off Michigan at halftime like the rest of the country.
And tennis makes me tired watching it.

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
Marriage is love.

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