30 September, 2008

obob scared

Nothing scares the unholy crap outta me like the use of children in horror movies. The little undead rugrat in Pet Cemetery, yup I ran. Those spooky little girls in the Shining, I had to watch Home Alone to come down.
But this frightens me. Not in a "obama may win" way." But in a cultish manner in which there is "mass suicide when failure in imminent" way. Isn't Child Protective Services supposed to protect children from this sort of manipulation?

I am going to go hug my children. At least mine will be allowed to think for themselves and not be shamelessly sold out to a communist trained (Miller) terrorist befriended (Ayers) white sox fan.


Anonymous said...

I saw this at another site too and it reminds me of the commercial when everyone is standing in a circle singing in that Coke commercial. They have rainbow colored glasses on that are stuck to their faces!! And the fact that they have the children doing this makes me sick! They have no idea who Obama is or what he represents. Can anyone say cult?

Beth said...

The kids do look like they are zombies.....

nanc said...

"When an opponent declares, "I will not come over to your side," I calmly say, "Your child belongs to us already... What are you? You will pass on. Your descendants, however, now stand in the new camp. In a short time they will know nothing else but this new community."

-- Adolf Hitler

Brooke said...

This looks eerily familiar...

Patrick M said...

Watched about 10 seconds before I had to turn it off. Scary doesn't even begin to describe the march of these demon spawn, slaves to the will of The Marxist.

At least in Dawn of the Dead you could shoot them.

Chuck said...

These children are on tour from China and North Korea. They travel around signing about all of he great communist leaders, Kim, Obama...

Average American said...

Reminds me of Jonestown. The next YouTube clip you see of them will probably be right after they are forced to drink the "koolaid"!

SICK BASTARDS! Their parents should be smacked on the head just before their kids are taken away from them and they(the parents)are tossed in jail!

WomanHonorThyself said...

egads..hug them tight!

Rita Loca said...

I'm safe in my space!
I'm safe in my space!
( hugging myself as I rock back and forth!)

Z said...

And the conservative parents I know feel they shouldn't indoctrinate children with politics at this young age.

They're right; but look what the left is doing?

Texas Truth said...

It also scared me! Barack HUSSEIN Obama is getting scarier every day. When are the masses going to wise up and figure out this guy is dangerous?

Law and Order Teacher said...

Wow. I wish I could feel like the parents involved in this were normal. But they stood along the walls with a glazed look on their faces like "The Night of the Living Dead." Either that or the Michael Jackson video for "Thriller." I watched this with my kids and was appalled. We watched it once.

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