02 December, 2008

more of the same

As the last bastion against all things status quo in the Beltway, El-Presidente Electo Obama, fights the power and the establishment. As he brings his audacity of hope, change and to fight things that go bump in the night, he shows his true self.
1st - VP Biden, the lifer who redefines blowhard
2nd - Sec of State, Queen Hillary, never heard of her, from Hitch
Both President and Sen. Clinton, while in office, made it obvious to foreign powers that they and their relatives were wide open to suggestions from lobbyists and middlemen.

Just to give the most salient examples from the Clinton fundraising scandals of the late 1990s: The House Committee on Government Reform and Oversight published a list of witnesses called before it who had either "fled or pled"—in other words, who had left the country to avoid testifying or invoked the Fifth Amendment to avoid self-incrimination. Some Democratic members of the committee said that this was unfair to, say, the Buddhist nuns who raised the unlawful California temple dough for then-Vice President Al Gore, but however fair you want to be, the number of those who found it highly inconvenient to testify fluctuates between 94 and 120. If you recall the names John Huang, James Riady, Johnny Chung, Charlie Trie, and others, you will remember the pattern of acquired amnesia syndrome and stubborn reluctance to testify, followed by sudden willingness on the part of the Democratic National Committee to return quite large sums of money from foreign sources.

3rd - AG Holder, nothing to see here, from Cohen
Soon after Bill Clinton pardoned Marc Rich, the former president and I had a brief telephone conversation. I had been downright heated about the pardon, a lot angrier than I had ever been about Monica Lewinsky. Clinton implied that I had things historically backward. Long after the Rich pardon had been forgotten, he said, the Lewinsky scandal would remain a vivid memory. That day is yet to come. The Rich pardon is back.

The vehicle for this lingering echo from the year 2001 is the choice of Eric Holder as Barack Obama's attorney general. Holder was Clinton's deputy attorney general and he played a significant role in the pardon. When asked by the White House what he thought about a pardon for Rich, Holder replied, "Neutral, leaning towards favorable." These four words have stalked him ever since.

4th UN Ambassador Rice, not the read deal known as Condi. She was a "protege" of Albright, more Clinton. And we know how effective Albright was. From my original blog,


Patrick M said...

The only plus (and it's barely a plus) is that this is looking a whole lot like Clinton's third term than Carter's second.

Except for Secretary of Defense, where it's Bush's third term!

It gives me a little hope, but it's way far away from change.

The crazy libs have to be writhing in agony now.

Obob said...

and there is sense of warmth and comfort in my cold metallic heart

WomanHonorThyself said...

o gosh 4 years of this..I dont think I can handle this!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
Marriage is love.

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