30 December, 2006

Good Ridance

I just got in from drinking with the guys in the neighborhood and visit to the bar. My mother-in-law told me the good news, this is how he should be displayed, like il duce.

Addition: I just saw the hanging on Drudge done by a cell camera, brutal. I should post it ....

You may think I am a sick person for showing this, but how many times did you watch the Zapruder film?

Addition II, the sequel: What I find fascinating about this video is the historical impact. This could be a defining moment in history. This is the historical equivalence of King Louis and Marie A getting their heads lopped off in public. Or the Romanov family gunned down in a basement, better burial though. The fear of other royal families in Europe knowing their divine rights where getting relocated by the people scared the hell out of the them. Why do this Qaddafi in Libya gave up some of his WMDs after we went into Iraq.
We have hit a part in history where one of the usual gang of tyrants met their demise and we watched it. This Dick Tracy technology gave us the satisfaction of knowing Hussein is worm food.
The people to watch for now are the leaders of the theocracies or totalitarian regimes in the region. Fear is a very powerful weapon and that cell phone camera is more catastrophic than any nuke or UN resolution .... sorry couldn't stop laughing at the concept of a UN resolution being anything more than a waste of money or something to doodle in a meeting.

28 December, 2006

Quick Notes

British royalty on the ground in Iraq. Prince Harry will be leading a patrol in Iraq until May. Well, I wish him the same amount of luck and good fortune any other soldier in Iraq or Afghanistan with their insurmountable courage.

Sadaam will swing by Sunday. well I'm sure his gay lover Satan will be waiting in open arms, but I wish the Kurds had their day in court. The Kurds deserve the chance to look at the coward and remind the short term memory plagued world his atrocities.

RIP President Ford, Good guy, sucks that Woodward barley waited for his last breath to release the tapes of him against the war in Iraq, but Woodward isn't really known for class or dignity. My favorite line about Ford, great guy, played to much football without the helmet.

26 December, 2006


Very Interesting

This could be Christmas present. The nutjob du jour, Ahmadinejad, may have more issues than an episode of Maury, from the Times:

Iran is experiencing a staggering decline in revenue from its oil exports and, if the trend continues, income could virtually disappear by 2015, according to an analysis released yesterday by the National Academy of Sciences.
Iran's economic woes could make the country unstable and vulnerable with its oil industry crippled, Roger Stern, an economic geographer at Johns Hopkins University, said in the report and in an interview.
Iran earns about $50 billion a year in oil exports. The decline is estimated at 10 percent to 12 percent annually. In less than five years, exports could be halved and then disappear by 2015, Mr. Stern predicted.

This would be catastrophic from the regime, news alone of this could destabilize the government to our benefit. Why?
1. We know they are a tyrannical theocracy, hell, Ahmadinejad is a puppet, but oil keeps them popular. The only reason Russia and China haven't allowed further sanctions is they need the oil. Europe is just as bad. But the UN did
The U.N. Security Council voted unanimously Saturday to impose sanctions on Iran for refusing to suspend uranium enrichment, increasing international pressure on the government to prove that it is not trying to make nuclear weapons. Iran immediately rejected the resolution.

As empty as it was, it goes in the books and hopefully our next ambassabor has the raw curage of John Bolton to lead the attack.
2. The students who protest have a foothold not a toehold. if this gets out, this can give the students leverage to create a real democracy, not the facs Sean Penn "reported" on. But they have courage the little pencil cannot grasp as he played Hanoi Jane that day, from Al-Ahram Weekly

Friday's elections took place only a week after Iranian students disrupted a speech by Ahmadinejad at the Amir Kabir University, setting fire to posters bearing his picture. The same university was the scene of a protest the day before by hundreds of students denouncing a crackdown on a reformist-led university association.
"Some students chanted radical slogans and inflamed the atmosphere of the meeting," said the semi-official Fars News Agency, which is close to Ahmadinejad. "A small number of students shouted 'death to the dictator' and smashed the cameras of state television, but they were confronted by a bigger group of students in the hall chanting: 'We support Ahmadinejad'," it said.

There courage is real because they have real consequence, their life.
3. Thus the push for enrichment to give them some leverage in the Arab community. If they get nukes, let's see how predatory they plan on becoming or start selling them tot the highest bidder to really destabilize the region.
Food for thought

22 December, 2006

The Kraken has Awoken

I saw this today and this is cool beyond words. In keeping with today's theme of animals of unusual size, not to be mistaken with rodents of unusual size. Look at this damned squid! Too bad the critter died, but this is cool.
A Rodent of Unusual Size (What movie?)

The One That Didn't Get Away

This is a Mekong Giant Catfish, it is big. A delicacy of Obob is a breaded Catfish sandwich with pepperjack cheese and hot sauce. I might need a gallon of hot sauce, a wheel of pepperjack, and an industrial sized box of breadind on this one.

19 December, 2006

Obob Giggles

As much as I previously bemoaned of the Liberal Hollywood brown-eyes trying to make inept foreign policy recommendations, I will accept this one from from the brilliant Mr. Zucker, who is not a brown-eye. Why say the almighty hypocritical one named Obob who will listen to members of Hollywood as he chooses, because I can. So if you want to name call me or try to call me out, drop it. You are wrong and I am right. Nyah Nyah!
I don't think I can say it in a more self-defacing immature way.

Chicago Bear Pro Bowlers

Robbie Gould, Kicker

Brian Urlacher, Middle Linebacker

Lance Briggs, Outside Linebacker

Tommie Harris, Defensive Tackle

Devin Hester, Just Does What He Pleases on Returns

Brendon Ayanbadejo, Special Teams Ace

Olin Kruetz, Center

18 December, 2006

A Couple More Thoughts

This is not Obob, but I thought it would get the right-wingers in a tizzy seeing the wench.

I just finished the Iraq Study Report and it felt like the Bible. Especially when Lee Hamilton tells us it is "not a fruit salad to pick and choose from." Apparently the ex-Hoosier is a fundamentalist and a believer in evolution. The Recommendations feel like Bible verses, or additions to the Qur'an:
Recommendation 45: Blame Israel
Recommendation 46: Blame the Zionists
Recommendation 47: Syria and Iran are reasonable countries
Okay it didn't say that and the joke has been posted in that format some where on the Internet in some other form. But you get my drift. The last time I read some thing this idealistic it was either the Communist Manifesto or Utopia. Either way, the feeble attempt to give the impressions of importance are washed away by the selling out of Israel.
But this line scared the crap outta me from page 36(pdf version):
Accordingly, the Support Group should actively engage Iran and Syria in diplomatic
dialogue, without preconditions.

without preconditions ... if I were a radical Islam-fascist, I would be all over this among the other Biblical verses in this novel novel. These are very intelligent people on this ISG, really smart. But how can they be so short sided.

This is the nut-job they want to have dialogue with. >>>>>>>>>>>>

And the Bears have homefield through the playoffs. Bear Down!

More reasons to love Youtube.com

From The 10 Best Fake Movie Trailers of the Year via giantmag.com
Their numero uno

Debatable but darn well funny

16 December, 2006

Don't Talk, You Ruin Your Movies

[repeated line]
Matt Damon: MATT DAMON!
from Team America: World Police

One of the tragic pitfalls of today's Hollywood is the failed impression they have we care of their political views. Sure, there are various leftist Americans who get warm in unmentionable areas when they speak; but the for the majority of us, we don't care for their insolent remarks:

Damon and actor Robert De Niro were guests on the MSNBC cable show, "Hardball with Chris Matthews," promoting their upcoming movie, "The Good Shepherd." Directed by De Niro, the film is an account of the early history of the CIA.

During the interview, scheduled to air Monday, Damon talked about the fairness of fighting the war in Iraq with a volunteer Army.

"I don't think that it's fair as I said before, that it seems like we have a fighting class in our country that's comprised of people who have to go for either financial reasons or, I don't think that that is fair," said Damon, 36. "And if you're gonna send people to war ... then that needs to be shared by everybody, you know, and if the president has daughters who are of age then maybe they should go too."

With the inane comments of the esteemed actor Damon, who has the best lines in Team America, Charlie Rangel will only be encouraged for pushing a draft. Do you think Matt was aware he was hinting at this? Do you think he has the mental capacity to look at the consequences of his remarks either as Rangel's wet dream or a tragic reality?
Since this was on Hardball, I can only imagine the swelling in Chris Matthews' pants with this talk. Heck, he probably made a tape for Tim Russert to listen to when he needs to get in the mood for some lovin'.


This first cartoon goes out to CAIR and the rest of the thugs. These calculating criminals deserve criminal and civil legal consequences for causing the ruckus on that airplane with the flying terrorists ... err ... holy men.

The second goes out to the Georgian Wonder as he continues to baffle Americans how someone who once represented our country, hates it so much. If it weren't for Watergate, he would have been another hapless politician/peanut farmer. Now he is a joke of an American. There is no courage in treachery.

And finally, my girl Nancy. I will have to thank the American voter for providing the cannon fodder for my fellow bloggers. The trouble is, she won't be there for long. Soon enough, her fellow Democrats in the House will tire of her poor choices and unwise allegiances.

15 December, 2006

As PC As I Wanna Be

As I read this childish cartoon, a few questions go through my thick cranium:
1. Who cares about polar bears? All they are are pigment challenged Grizzlies. Plus they seem to exist well enough on that island in Lost.
2. So what if Antarctica melts? In real estate they call that undeveloped potential.
3. Finally, living in the Midwest, I have to drive some distance to get to the beach. If the ocean's edge moves a a couple hundred miles closer to my hose, think of the money I'll save driving t the beach and the fewer carbon emissions my mini-van will emit.
So in the end, I guess I'm more environmentalist that the boorish Al Gore. And far more reasonable!

Of course we are starting to find out this is the real cause of global warming.
Following the news about the IPCC report comes an incredible study entitled "Livestock's long shadow" by the LEAD (Livestock, Environment and Development) Initiative, which is supported by the World Bank, the EU, various government ministries and departments in Europe and the US, and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN.

Let me get right to the heart of the issue, quoting from their report:

The livestock sector is...responsible for 18 percent of greenhouse gas emissions measured in CO2 equivalent. This is a higher share than transport.

The emphasis on the last sentence is mine. What this says is that between deforestation to create pastures, the emissions of greenhouse gasses in the process of making cow feed, and mostly from good old fashioned cow farts, cows are responsible for more of the pollution that people fear is causing global warming than cars, airplanes, trains, ships, snowmobiles, and motorized rickshaws combined.

While this does seem like quite a funny bit of news, it is yet another reason that we must be incredibly skeptical of dangerous and expensive policy suggestions like the Kyoto Protocols, which aim to possibly alter climate change by a fraction of a degree over decades at the cost of billions of dollars of economic output. And, if "economic output" sounds a bit theoretical to you, think of it as the likelihood that your and your children will be able to find a job.

I'll never look at a cow the same way again. Maybe the world needs to spend a billion dollars on very large corks....

But at least we have one politician who has the sense and courage to stand up against so much hype based on junk science. He is the often-derided Senator James Inhofe (R-OK). Inhofe's reaction to the story is summarized nicely by this quote (by him): "We are all skeptics now. It appears that the UN is now acknowledging what an increasing number of scientists who study the climate have come to realize: Predictions of manmade catastrophic global warming are simply unsustainable."

12 December, 2006

wrap this around your melon

Bears Win

Devin Hester scored on 94- and 96-yard yard kickoff returns on Monday. They were his fourth and fifth touchdowns this season on either a kickoff or a punt return, setting a NFL record. Nine previous players had scored four times on kickoff or punt returns in one season.

Hester also broke the broader record for most "return touchdowns" in a season -- that is touchdowns other than those on running or passing plays. Hester has three punt-return touchdowns, two kickoff-return touchdowns and one field-goal-return touchdown. Ken Houston of the 1971 Oilers held the previous record with five return touchdowns, four on interceptions and one on an opponent's fumble.

from elias

11 December, 2006

Knew This Was Coming

It took me a awhile, but I finally figures out who the Saudis are. You know those trust fund kids who live off of mommy and daddy you hear about? Never really had a real job and have can do "noble" fights against capitalist greed that is bankrolling their fantasy life.
That's the Saudis. Look at bin Laden. Daddy made a fortune in construction, so he goes Che and uses the money to buy friends and influence. The Saudi King Abdullah, gets all the wealth while secretly instigating hell in his backyard. What he sown is now being reaped.
"Our Arab region is besieged by a number of dangers, as if it was a powder keg waiting for a spark to explode,"

Of course it is, you have allowing Al Queda and other terrorists groups to flourish and they want a bigger piece of the pie. Did he really think the radical brand f Islam wasn't going to get out of hand?
The Palestinians were reeling from "a hostile and ugly occupation" by Israel while the international community watched their "bloody tragedy like a spectator," Abdullah said.

Of course you are going to throw in the usual anti-Israeli rhetoric, that's like ted Kennedy having a drink. And trust Abby baby, the UN is trying to push the Israelis out, give them time.

I gotta get to work, I'll add more ...

10 December, 2006

You Reap What You Sow

Jefferson wins La. runoff despite federal probe
Opponent unable to capitalize on bribery allegations against fellow Dem

NEW ORLEANS - U.S. Rep. William Jefferson easily defeated his fellow Democratic opponent in a runoff election Saturday, despite an ongoing federal bribery investigation

If you can't beat a politician this crooked, don't run for office. That or stay out of Chicago.
I got the picture idea from Malkin

09 December, 2006

Troy Smith Wins Heisman

Good kid, class act, a true representative of college football. A lot of young kids in any sport can learn from Smith you can redeem yourself and bcome into a winner with character.
He won with 87% of the vote.


2005 Reggie Bush Southern California RB
2004 Matt Leinart Southern California QB
2003 Jason White Oklahoma QB
2002 Carson Palmer Southern California QB
2001 Eric Crouch Nebraska QB
2000 Chris Weinke Florida State QB
1999 Ron Dayne Wisconsin RB
1998 Ricky Williams Texas RB
1997 Charles Woodson Michigan DB/WR
1996 Danny Wuerffel Florida QB
1995 Eddie George Ohio State RB
1994 Rashaan Salaam Colorado RB
1993 Charlie Ward Florida State QB
1992 Gino Torretta Miami QB
1991 Desmond Howard Michigan WR
1990 Ty Detmer Brigham Young QB
1989 Andre Ware Houston QB
1988 Barry Sanders Oklahoma State RB
1987 Tim Brown Notre Dame WR
1986 Vinny Testaverde Miami QB
1985 Bo Jackson Auburn RB
1984 Doug Flutie Boston College QB
1983 Mike Rozier Nebraska RB
1982 Herschel Walker Georgia RB
1981 Marcus Allen Southern California RB
1980 George Rogers South Carolina RB
1979 Charles White Southern California RB
1978 Billy Sims Oklahoma RB
1977 Earl Campbell Texas RB
1976 Tony Dorsett Pittsburgh RB
1975 Archie Griffin Ohio State RB
1974 Archie Griffin Ohio State RB
1973 John Cappelletti Penn State RB
1972 Johnny Rodgers Nebraska WR
1971 Pat Sullivan Auburn QB
1970 Jim Plunkett Stanford QB
1969 Steve Owens Oklahoma HB
1968 O.J. Simpson Southern California HB
1967 Gary Beban UCLA QB
1966 Steve Spurrier Florida QB
1965 Mike Garrett Southern California HB
1964 John Huarte Notre Dame QB
1963 Roger Staubach Navy QB
1962 Terry Baker Oregon State QB
1961 Ernie Davis Syracuse HB
1960 Joe Bellino Navy HB
1959 Billy Cannon LSU HB
1958 Pete Dawkins Army HB
1957 John David Crow Texas A&M HB
1956 Paul Hornung Notre Dame QB
1955 Howard Cassady Ohio State HB
1954 Alan Ameche Wisconsin FB
1953 Johnny Lattner Notre Dame HB
1952 Billy Vessels Oklahoma HB
1951 Dick Kazmaier Princeton HB
1950 Vic Janowicz Ohio State HB
1949 Leon Hart Notre Dame E
1948 Doak Walker Southern Methodist HB
1947 Johnny Lujack Notre Dame QB
1946 Glenn Davis Army HB
1945 Doc Blanchard Army FB
1944 Les Horvath Ohio State QB/HB
1943 Angelo Bertelli Notre Dame QB
1942 Frank Sinkwich Georgia HB
1941 Bruce Smith Minnesota HB
1940 Tom Harmon Michigan HB
1939 Nile Kinnick Iowa HB
1938 Davey O'Brien Texas Christian QB
1937 Clint Frank Yale HB
1936 Larry Kelley Yale E
1935 Jay Berwanger Chicago HB

Keep talking, baby

McKinney Introduces Bill to Impeach Bush
In the bill, she accused Bush of misleading Congress on the war in Iraq and violating privacy laws with his domestic spying program

bonus material
She has hosted numerous panels on Sept. 11 conspiracy theories and suggested that Bush had prior knowledge of the terrorist attacks but kept quiet about it to allow friends to profit from the aftermath. She introduced legislation to establish a permanent collection of rapper Tupac Shakur's recordings at the National Archives and calling for a federal investigation into his killing.

When I want to discredit the intellectual and moral maturity of McKinney, I let her talk.

Quality Bolton Video

I've never heard of this HamNation, but her clip speaks volumes on the patriotic attack of the UN by former Amb. Bolton. Bolton was a true and brave American who was not afraid to confront the UN. I fully the WFP from the UN and applaud their noble efforts in aiding third world countries, but in terms of human rights and blatant anti-Israeli rhetoric that spews from the UN, they are immoral.

05 December, 2006

The Bad Guys Win Another

The resignation of Amb. Bolton is a loss for the United States and freedom. I cannot put into words my anger and disdain for the members of our Senate both Republican and Senate who torpedoed them for their political gain. The selfish and narcissistic actions of these little people assisted in the man who:

- adoption of a first legally binding Security Council resolution sanctioning North Korea for its nuclear-weapons program;
- passage of a first ever Security Council resolution addressing the Iranian nuclear program;
- consensus-building among democratic states that resulted in 50 donor countries, responsible for 88 percent of the U.N. regular budget, taking a common position on management reform.
Furthermore, he:
- had the foresight to refuse to lend credibility to the U.N. Human Rights Council, which as he predicted, has become a mockery of reform undeserving of American support;
- raised the profile of the genocide in Darfur and insisted on Security Council action;
- led the campaign against corruption at the U.N. secretariat, including the reduction of the gift ceiling for United Nations officials from $10,000 to $200;
- defended a free and democratic government of Israel from the relentless onslaught of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic attacks launched across the U.N. system.

As usual, I lack the prose and intelligence to put this on paper as well as Ms. Anne Bayefsky, so kudos to her.

03 December, 2006

Bears Win Norse Again

We are stupid Americans

Oscar-winning US actress Gwyneth Paltrow feels dinner talk is far more interesting in her adopted homeland Britain than back in her native country.
"I love the English lifestyle, it's not as capitalistic as America. People don't talk about work and money, they talk about interesting things at dinner," she told "NS," the weekend magazine supplement of daily Portuguese newspaper Diario de Noticias on Saturday.
"I like living here because I don't fit into the bad side of American psychology. The British are much more intelligent and civilized than the Americans," the 34-year-old added.

In that case, let's revoke her citizenship, she is an intellectual invalid.
If you want to see some wonderfully merciless attacks, go to this wwtdd page.

Quick comment

I have been trying to comment at some of your blogs, but I am having problems. So I am visiting, just freeing you of my mindless banter.

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
Marriage is love.

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