03 December, 2008

We're not that smart ... but wait

No, I did not post this to show a picture of Halle Berry

Ugandan men warned of 'booby trap' after chloroform attacks

Victims of the attacks have been discovered by police officers naked with all their possessions having been stolen by the gang, who use the women to lure their prey and rob them when they fall unconscious after intimate activity.
the modus operandi
"They apply this chemical to their chest. We have found victims in an unconscious state."
So a lusty woman lures a unsuspecting man into a private location for a little something something. She then "embraces" his face into her chloroform scented bosom. Then he wakes up buck naked and penniless.
Right now, there are scores of single women to adapt to our new economy to be used in clandestine operations in all bars.clubs throughout our country. Next there chaos in the streets as butterfly collectors find their weapon of choice is being used by an army of thieving Jezebels.
In retaliation, they purchase nerve gas from fringe Syrian agents with mysterious Iraqi markings on the canisters, do really think no WMDs went there? The misuse of the lethal gas kills scores in Central Park which leads to a hold on all science projects in high schools due to ban of purchase of any coma inducing chemicals to be used on frogs.
Years later, an investigation will find out it was the actor Henry Thomas who played the little boy in E.T. behind this catastrophe. He was scarred from the infamous intoxicated frog dissection scene. He created this fiendish plot after his World War I death scene in a Legends of the Fall. The WWI use of mustard gas inspired him as he was found to have a tragic addiction to Reece's Pieces which corroded his brain. When cornered by Federal Agents, his last words were, "Frogs are our brothers and sisters." He then licked a hallucinogenic frog and attempted to jump the fed's cars only to smash head first into the hood of an Impala.
Honest Injun


BB-Idaho said...

So, is this the "Chloroform in the Maidenform Caper"?

Obob said...

it is a dastardly sort of knaves

Anonymous said...

Brilliant Obob.....Absolutely Brilliant! LOL

Patrick M said...

Since I don't really have much money and am excessively single, I don't think getting drugged and robbed during sex would bother me too much....

Although how this all ties into Iraqi WMD's and drunken aliens somehow escaped me.

I'm just glad you didn't grab onto the story of the man jailed for having sex with a horse (which I found when I checked out the story behind your ruminations and conspiracies). I'm not sure what you would make of that, but there'd have been no reason for the gratuitous Halle Berry pic.

Brooke said...


Just goes to show you what thinking with the wrong head will get 'ya...

Just sayin'.

Chuck said...

I'm confused. Why do you need a reason to show Halle Berry?

nanc said...

yeah - i guess this would be as good a reason as any to show a photo of halle...

Joe Gringo said...

cause she's got great........teeth.

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

OK, are you high?

Obob said...

tragically, it all coffee induced. But I'm getting warmed up.

WomanHonorThyself said...

*shakes head

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
Marriage is love.

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