04 November, 2008

alright ...

The sun will rise and the world will not end.
But, now we get to attack. And the treatment of this administration and anyone right of the troubled ideology of the left has left me a bit perturbed.
So now it's our turn, the bard wrote, "Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war"
Are they not the fiercest cats you have ever seen?

Declan: He, who heard the sound of thy holy trumpet, and took not warning. He hath clearly wandered too far from the word of God. And Cornelius Bernard Hatcher, your hour has come. Let's get it on, Big Boy. It's time to get back on the path.


AmPowerBlog said...

We'll fight 'em, Bob!

Law and Order Teacher said...

It's up to us to make sure the world knows what BO is doing. The media sure won't.

Patrick M said...

I'm going to have to get an appropriate Sam Jackson quote from Pulp Fiction to properly convey what I'm going to post through the Obama administration.

It will most certainly be fun, despite the suckage.

Unknown said...

It is correct to check the abuses of those in power. To keep our leaders honest and doing the peoples business, not to tear down what we have worked so hard to build.

President elect Obama is not even President yet, but you call for "? a holy war ?" against him, like Bin Laden does against the United States.

Put your hate aside. I'll be the first to jump all over President Obama when he starts screwing up.

What evil is it that Obama has done? He hasn't done anything yet, except win the Presidency as a Democrat/blackman.

That doesn't matter, you have prejudged him a danger, which shows your unjustified hate, not his (perceived by you) inherent danger to America.

If we truly care about America we must support our President until he proves he does not deserve our support.

President Bush has proven to me, that he no longer deserved my support. The reasons why are lengthy and built up over 8 years, but I did not start out with that attitude when he was first elected.

I have said the same to the stupid, hateful lefties who would compare Bush to Hitler, or declared him a non-president because of the results of the 2000 election, or decided he was a danger to the World because he decided to eliminate an evil dictator from the World.

So you declare you war against Obama before he even takes office; that is not the sign of an American who wants the best for our people, but a REALLY poor loser/sport.

Joe Gringo said...

Who is Barack Obama? Not even he knows, he's all over the place. Obama is a myth who rose from literally nowhere to the most powerful position on earth. Scary.

Can't wait to see who gets thrown under the bus next.

American Crusader said...

Thanks for stopping by. I guess we have just enough senators to become the party of obstruction. No longer the need to defend, it's time to go on offense.

Obob said...

time, I could have taken the high road, but what fun is that?
take it as you may, I wish obama the best in his four years, but I also am from chicago.

Chuck said...

Obob, I'm not sure I'm interested in payback for how Bush has been treated. But, the left does not get to complain about Obama being attacked. They have earned a kick in the ass.

WomanHonorThyself said...

OK my friend..I won't give up the fight...just yet!

Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

Mr. Obama wanted the job, he can have it. Soon he'll crawl back to Jeremiah Wright for spiritual guidance because after his first transitional briefing at the White House on international issues, Barry will realize he has bitten off way, way, way more than he can chew.

After our nation begins teetering on the brink, there will be a new Conservative movement in America as people realize that this sweeping new Liberal/Socialist movement was a bad thing.

Brooke said...

It took a Carter to give us a Reagan... We'll do alright.

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Kissinger Doing the Weather
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