03 November, 2008


and use your melon


Patrick M said...

Can I write myself in?

Wait, I'm in the great state of Ohio.

Crap. I have to vote McCain.

Chuck said...

Best short blog yet, to the point, vote.

Joe Gringo said...


Go John

Obob said...

took a hour, but I brought a book. and to rehash an old joke, my dead grandfather just voted for the 3rd time in cook county for obama.

Unknown said...

The country did use their melons.

Patrick M said...

Time: That's up for debate come next year.

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
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