07 November, 2008

and this is from overseas


Beth said...

This is inaccurate, Obama would never have the American flag be on his body like that.

Shaw Kenawe said...

Wait. Aren't you the guys who always say you don't care what the people "overseas" think about US?

Except you do when it fits your agenda.

And beth, be serious. He's the president-elect of the United States of America. Do you imply he hates the flag? And if so, you really believe that? Really?


Anonymous said...

Yep. A guppie in a tank full of sharks. It should be an interesting four years.

Obob said...

beth: true, it should be a burka
shaw: we don't care, but it's comical how they perceive what millions couldn't
mustang: word

Law and Order Teacher said...

Get a sense of humor. If you were a conservative you would have developed one long ago. When the media and assorted celebrities routinely use you for cannon fodder it helps to recognize humor. Sheesh lighten up. You're on top now and you better grow a thick skin. The MSM is about to turn its guns on you now. Duck!

Patrick M said...

I'm just wondering who gets to be the worm on the hook when we try to catch us the fish.

Shaw: You never take fun mockery the right way when it violates your messiah president's aura, do you?

Anonymous said...

Great political cartoon.

I'm looking to add you to my blog roll if you're willing to do the same in return. Let me know.

Brooke said...


That's perfect.

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