10 October, 2008

What a night

Waited tables tonight, keeps me busy and tragically what I consider a night out anymore. Back to reality, the friggin' loons were out. I felt bad for leavin' early due to high pings coming off my spider senses. But people, I can guarantee you someone will get thrown out. Either crying girl who looks like she was on a crack binge or bully chick who will sooner or later bust some one's kidneys. These are the women folk causing issues. Almost forgot about guy who fell off the wagon and landed on is face. He is as intense as a democrat frothing at the mouth about Sarah Palin.
Need another Old Style.
A little tip from little old obob. If you ever have to physically remove someone from an establishment. I highly recommend you use a bear hug from the side. Make sure you are under the arms and have your head against their back. First, your hands under the armpit make it difficult for them to pry them apart and break a digit. Second, your head against their back prevents a head but. Practice on a family member or loved one. Most important, do not let go unless you have sufficient reserves.
I've also wrestled two men off a pool table by first tackling them, then grabbing one by the neck and the other placing my knee on his chest. My arm was sore the next day due to repeated blows from one guy trying to hit the other as I attempted to subdue them.
Disclaimer: do not go out attempt to break up bar fights like Patrick Swayze in Roadhouse. Odds are you will get hurt. And the bar is not a Mos Eisley Cantina like on Tatooine. Far from it, we're way to suburban. But, alcohol and common sense coming to a grinding halt will result in random stupid things happening.
Just a little advice from your friendly neighborhood obob.


Patrick M said...

It may not be like Mos Eisley, but think about how fast you could break up fights with a lighttsaber.

Obob said...

I've had some women even if you set your phaser to obliterate, it would only piss them off.

Brooke said...

Oh, nothing's worse than a drunk woman causing trouble. I got my share of that crap working nights in the ER.

Drunk men who think they're Adonis is the next worse thing.

I did get to four-point a few guys for getting rowdy.

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
Marriage is love.

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