21 October, 2008

Terrorists are Misunderstood Felons With Feelings

One of the more intellectually grating and mind numbing elements of our society is the passion of some for the terrorists in Gitmo.
Bush Committed to Gitmo Gulag
(Newser) – Despite his stated desire to the contrary, President Bush and his most hawkish aides are determined to keep prison facilities operating at Guantánamo Bay, reports the New York Times. Bush made up his mind following a Supreme Court ruling in the summer granting 250 detainees the right to challenge their incarceration, and never seriously considered State Department or Pentagon proposals to shut down prison operations, according to sources.

There is a subtle difference between a Soviet gulag and the prison where we are holding terrorists whom desire to kill our brave soldiers and your children (I gotta be a little sensationalist there)
What a gulag really is:
Gulag (from the Russian ГУЛАГ: Главное Управление Исправительно— Трудовых Лагерей, "Glavnoye Upravleniye Ispravitelno-trudovykh Lagerey", "The Chief Directorate of Corrective Labor Camps") was the branch of the Soviet internal police and security service that operated the penal system of forced labor camps. While these camps were intended for criminals of all types, the Gulag system has become primarily known as a means of repression of political opponents of the Soviet state.

So the NYT implies Gitmo is a place for political prisoners. If that were true, they would be residing in southern Cuba as we speak. Maybe we should put these killers to hard labor and starve them to death. Then find their families and do the same. Of course ACORN would register them to vote.

Cool sounding gulag terms and camps to drop at the next tea party you attend to sound smart:
  • A colloquial name for a Soviet Gulag inmate was "zeka", "zek". In Russian language, "inmate", "incarcerated" is "заключённый", zaklyuchonny, usually abbreviated to 'з/к' in paperwork, pronounced as 'зэка' (zeh-KA), gradually transformed into 'зэк' and to 'зек'.
  • "zaklyuchonny kanalostroitel'" (incarcerated canal-builder), originating to the Volga-Don Canal slave workforce members. Later the term was backronymed to mean just "zaklyuchonny".
  • sharashka (шарашка, the goofing-off place) were in fact secret research laboratories, where the arrested and convicted scientists, some of them prominent, were anonymously developing new technologies, and also conducting basic research.
  • Psikhushka (психушка, the nut house), the forced medical treatment in psychiatric imprisonment was used, in lieu of camps, to isolate and break down political prisoners.
  • Special camps or zones for children (Gulag jargon: "малолетки", maloletki, underaged), for disabled (in Spassk ), and for mothers ("мамки", mamki) with babies. These categories were considered as not producing any useful outcome and often subjected to more abuse.
  • Camps for "wifes of traitors of Motherland" (there was a special category of repressed: " Traitor of Motherland Family Member" (ЧСИР, член семьи изменника Родины)).

  • Once again the NYT sells it soul for the sake of demorailzing our troops and government to pander to a lunatic fringe in the left. We are the good guys. The pansy ass journalists of the NYT should remember this. But I am rube in a flyover state. What do I know?


    AmPowerBlog said...

    Nice posting, Obob!

    Anonymous said...
    This comment has been removed by the author.
    Anonymous said...

    Very interesting post OBob
    Good job

    Patrick M said...

    I think, on Bush's last day, he might need to give the order to execute every last one of the terrorist bastards down there. Especially since both candidates have promised to close it down.

    They've probably sent their absentee ballots to
    Cleveland anyway.

    Obob said...

    we have Lake County near Chicago to lose our votes to. Funny how a group that fights disenfranchisement is so quick to negate my vote.
    I feel love

    Law and Order Teacher said...

    This is a good example of the truism that when you try to be politically correct with a bunch of scumbags it never stops. Once the lefties figure out you'll respond to their hate America rhetoric they'll just turn up the heat. Speaking of that it might be a nice idea to do that in Gitmo. Just a little preview for these subhumans of their eternal home.

    Chuck said...

    Lets free them and give them a job at the NYT. Let's see how tolerant the liberal scum at the Times is of these murderous cretins then.

    Unknown said...

    The Constitution, which I hope you defend, gives all criminals (even murders) the right to legal representation.

    The Supreme Court decided against the President, in favor of these terrorists having legal representation. Conservative justices were included in that majority decision.

    I think we should keep them at GITMO forever, but do it within our laws, not outside the law, or simply because that's what the President wants.

    Oh yes, like most liberals, I believe that if we don't have the evidence to convict, then they should be set free. I believe that is the law we have lived by for well over 200 years.

    Obob said...

    I don't know, if you let those guys work at the NYT, we may get more objective reporting.

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