22 October, 2008

payback can be a ....

Barring the mother of all October surprises, st. obama the blind will win. One of issues that arises every Presidential election is choosing a SCOTUS Justice. There once was a tradition of a polite Senate approval for the President's nominee. Of course, we can imagine who was childish and started to make it difficult due to immature antics and petty partisan babble, the democrats.
Although this is from wikipedia, it has merit:
Name/ Appt. by / Conf. vote
Roberts (Chief Justice) G.W. Bush 78-22
Stevens Ford 98-0
Scalia Reagan 98-0
Kennedy Reagan 97-0
Souter G.H.W. Bush 90-9
Thomas G.H.W. Bush 52-48
Ginsburg Clinton 97-3
Breyer Clinton 87-9
Alito G.W. Bush 58-42

My point is the rabid partisanship on behalf of the democrats in republican selections in SCOTUS. When obama makes his selection, I hope to republicans make it as difficult pelosi following through on "ethical" congress promise.
And junior senator from the land of lincoln voted aganist both justices. So much for bucking party leadership and showing bipartinship.


Anonymous said...

this nation cannot survive what the MSM and the dems have done to it. Pelozi, OBAMA, Pelosi, Reid, Frank, Schumer etal have literally torn this nation to shreds because of their hatred for GW. McCain may be the last good person to want to run for the presidency from the repub side. We are witnessing the literal destruction of the American way of life. I'm really afraid to say that we are steaming towards socialism the likes the world has never known.

Obob said...

let's not forget chuckie schumer made an ill advised "remark" that led to the collapse of cali banks.

Brooke said...

Obama has already had so many October surprises that it's not funny.

If he wins, it'll be due to voter fraud.

Unknown said...

Back in the hay days of Republican power monopoly (held white house and congress) with Newt (our Presidents wife is a bitch) Gingrich; and the "Contract for America" gang that never fulfilled that contract, the smaller government-less taxes party (which gave America neither) that invented rabid partisanship in their "high" over taking power for the first time in decades.

This doesn't excuse the Democrats rabid partisanship, it does show who they learned it from. It also shows BOTH parties are wrong.

Yet you just want this to continue, even worse, if the Democrats win. Sure, that will help the American people (sarcasm).

Do you really think only ONE side is responsible for the mess this country is in? Don't you even question yourself when you blame all our problems on one side, especially when the Republicans have had the power for the last 8 years?

If you do I have a house I paid $200,000. for (that is now worth $130,000. - if I could sell it) I'll sell it to you for a break even $200.000 if McCain wins, assured that with his election the economy will be great again, and you could make a profit reselling it!

Joe Gringo said...

With everyone on his side, Obama should be up 20, AP has it even today, there's 13 days left, its balls to the wall, the fat lady hasn't even showered yet, keep the McCain mojo flowing, remember what the Germans did to Pearl Harbor?

Law and Order Teacher said...

Good post. Hopefully, AP is more right than the rest of the polls. I just don't trust polls for any election, although I'd like for McCain to be up and take my chances. Let's hope for the best. As far as fixing blame, read McCain's 2005 speech warning of the consequences without fixes to the government boondoggle of Freddie and Fannie and the just as rabid assurances of the soundness of them from the Dems. BO ain't even in the hunt except that he made sure to take a lot of their money. Convenient.

Always On Watch said...

The possibility of Obama's appointing justices to SCOTUS is one of the worst consequences of an Obama Presidency. After all, look how long those justices usually serve! A President can affect the course of our nations even decades after he has left office!

Chuck said...

I don't want them to make it hard, I want them to block the nominees.

WomanHonorThyself said...

ack wheres my comment..lol

Anonymous said...

I think the issue of appointing justices of the supreme court, is one of the most powerful things he will have control of, if not the most. I can just imagine what things will change....I bet you one of the first things to go will be the Pledge of Allegiance.

I just realized you weren't on my blogroll when I redid it. Mistake corrected! :-)

BB-Idaho said...

Only seven SCOTUS appointments out of nine...what do we want?

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