16 October, 2008

A Daily Smattering

Just watch the slideshow.
I love Indiana. A self taught female samurai in the heartland.

Next: this one goes out to either the ladies or the gents. Have you ever seen someone and thought, "mildly attractive in a wonky way, maybe a good conversation?" Then you listen to them turn into a screeching harpy like they just did a shot of battery acid. Stephanie Cutter of the obama cult did that today. Her voice could negate Ron Jeremy's libido. And her smug condescending smirk. Belittles her intelligence.
A little background:
Cutter is a longtime top aide to Sen. Edward M. Kennedy and served as communications director to Sen. John Kerry during his 2004 presidential campaign. She also has worked as a staffer and consultant to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (Nev.)

So she has worked from a man who killed a woman drunk, a man who lied about his fellow soldiers and a man who called out troops' effort a failure while taking a cool million in a shady land deal.
Quality company you have there missy. Now you work for a closet Marxist.
For the record, I tried to find a complimentary picture and failed. To be honest, it was an attempt to be nice. There isn't a good pic of her out there. So here is Cutter with Kerry.


Brooke said...

I've noticed leftist women tend to be screechy. Ick.

Chuck said...

So, is she trading up or down?

Unknown said...

Did you see/hear Michell Bachman (R - Minnesota) on Hardball tonight?

She wants all members of Congress to be investigated to see if they are anti-american.

Anti- American by who's standards, HERS! Investigated by who? The BUSH/McCain justice department?

Lets all line up to take our loyalty oaths to the FURHER.

Like Joe McCarthy accusing just about everyone of being a communist. It's sick to the point of being dangerous.

Where does the right get these air headed BIMBOS?

Investigate the Palins first. They belongs to a group that wants to split Alaska away from the American Union.

Like I said before this kind of tit for tat, goes nowhere. There are plenty of idiots on BOTH sides of the political process.

If you really think ONLY one side is correct, then you are truly lost.

Anonymous said...

She wants all members of Congress to be investigated to see if they are anti-american.

That's a bit off the deep end. But I could settle for investigations into how many are de facto crooks.

As for Sstephanie Cutter, I think she either needs professional help or read the book, "How to win friends and influence people." I'd rather listen to fingernails scraping against a blackboard than a 3 minute presentation by Cutter on liberal reality.

Semper Fi

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
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