30 August, 2008

Empathy R' Us

at 1:08 in, listen

Michael Moore jiggles one of his many chins in celebrating the oncoming Gustov at the people's expense in New Orleans. Pathetic.
Then you have former National Chairman of the Democratic National Committee Don Fowler and Congressman John Spratt of South Carolina laughing at the Crescent City's expense. In order to be a Democrat, must you celebrate in the suffering of your fellow Americans so you may score political points? Something tells me this does not speak for the vast majority of Democrats or liberals. But their leaders, icons and intelligentsia think so.

by the way, I did not pull a Biden. Malkin did a similar piece.


Beth said...

What a sad existence when you are giddy that a hurricane could hit citizens of our nation so you can exploit their plight.

Obob said...

but sadly it doesn't surprise us

WomanHonorThyself said...

shows their true colors eh Obob?!:)

Beth said...

Looks like McCain is suspending some of the convention Monday because of the hurricane. Will the left give him kudos? Of course not.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Michael Moore is a moron. The left's empathy is indeed admirable. After all, politics is life.

Always On Watch said...

Moore and Fowler are disgusting. And this glee from them about a hurricane bearing down on New Orleans is beyond the pale -- even from Dems.

Chuck said...

I posted on this, Moores a complete moron. Fowler, a nobody.

Brooke said...

That disgusting wheezing laugh of Moore's... ARGH!

What evil fools. I wonder what FATBOY was eating (because he surely was) when Katrina hit.

Did you also notice the lack of wit and the laughing at their own bad jokes? Puh-lease.

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