25 August, 2008

Another Reason He's a Wanker

Scott: If the Cubs and the White Sox both make it to the World Series?
Obama: I would be going.
Scott: Who would you root for?
Obama: Oh, that's easy. White Sox. I'm not one of these fair weather fans. You go to Wrigley Field, you have a beer, beautiful people up there. People aren't watching the game. It's not serious. White Sox, that's baseball. Southside.

I wonder if he raised both hands when said "Sooouutsieede!" wearing a wifebeater and his sox hat sideways. That is how the chosen one rolls.

This jerk is no Marissa Miller.

Cubs fan don't know baseball. This will come back to haunt you.


Always On Watch said...

I've been to Wrigley Field. The fans most certainly do watch the game. And Cubs fans are serious about the game, too.

Obob said...

it isn't even a class envy type thing. If their field is brand new and beautiful. If they have a ring since the Great War. Wy do people like the Cubs more.
Listen to the applause after a sacrifice bunt from a pithcer. You won't hear that at Cell/Cominsky/dirty south side land. THey have a DH

Obob said...
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Brooke said...

Sheesh. This is like when Kerry went hunting.

Law and Order Teacher said...

Good call on the Kerry hunting thing. Bang! Instant dead goose. The Cubs don't watch baseball. I'm a Reds fan and I'll vouch for the Cubs rabid fan base. They show up in droves at GABP in Cincy. BO is clueless about anything as dirty as baseball.

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
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