26 August, 2008

For Michelle Obama, a defining moment

In Denver, candidate's wife steps up to the podium and her supporting role.
Monday night, Michelle took the stage for herself, not just to reaffirm how wonderful her husband is, and what a fine president he would make, but also to redefine herself.

And what else was she going to do? Start a tirade on the "failed" policies of the Bush admin? Remind white people how bad we are? Tell you about her million dollar house she acquired from a felon?
Nope, in reference to baller brother, it was a lay up. Easy score, no flair, with enough to get points.
So don't start handing out the praise just yet. She kept her opinions to herself and said what she had to. Except the part of her husband crossing party lines. Right, he voted against Alito and Roberts to keep with the party. And the 130 plus "present" votes.
Of course, this is from MSNBC.


Brooke said...

I think they're "nice-ing up' Michelle to appeal to all of those dissed Hillary voters.

Quite a difference from her usual derision for her husband.

Beth said...

I just find it very hard to find her genuine in any way, wonder why she and Barry dislike Bill and Hillary so much, they are so alike.

Obob said...

you are seeing the package the obamas need to get elected. Axlerod pulled them aside and gave them the hard truth. Shut it.

Chuck said...

They couldn't leave her the way she was, she was too uch of a liability

Patrick M said...

Didn't we all have similar discussions like this in 1992.

Concerning the 1992 Democrat candidate's wife? Can you say "headbands and baking cookies?"

PhreedomPhan said...

Obama's chief foreign policy advisor is Zbigniew Brezezki who you might remember was co-founder with David Rockefeller of the globalist Trilateral Commission. He and Rocky personally invited Georgia democrat James Earl Carter to be one of the charter members. Carter was billed as the "conservative," or, alternately, "progressive," Georgia democrat with no ties to the Eastern Liberal Establishment.

McCain's top foreign policy advisor is Trilateralist Henry Kissinger.

In addition to these guys, both candidates have three other Trilateralists on board. No matter which one is elected, the long ongoing policies of dismantling our economy and ending our national sovereignty will continue. The big loser in Nov. is us.


Patrick M said...

PP: You wouldn't happen to be a Ron Paul supporter, would you?

Just a lucky guess, I guess.

PhreedomPhan said...

Patrick M., do you actually know anything or are you just a one-line-wonder? Just a lucky guess.


Patrick M said...

PP: You have no idea.... But at least I did get my question answered.

Maybe one of these days, I'll enlighten you. As it is, I have to clean my bedroom/office tonight. It's more disorganized than my mind. And that's saying something. :)

PhreedomPhan said...

Did you?

Looking forward to enlightenment. It's so cold and lonely here in the darkness.

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
Marriage is love.

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