19 December, 2008

so much for the brave journalist

Imagine if a German reporter from an Argentinian radio station threw an object at Truman in Berlin in Post WW II Germany? Well kiddos, it looks like we would have had a strong similarity with the joker who chucked his loafer at GW.

New revelations in Iraq point to a possible link between the shoe thrower and the Iraqi Baathists who just made a botched attempt to topple the government of Nouri al-Maliki and return Saddam’s party to power.

Reports in the Arab media indicate that the Iraqi shoe thrower, Muntather al-Zaidi may have been planning his assault on President Bush for more than a year, helped by Iraqi Baathists seeking to overthrow the U.S,-backed government. One leading Arab website said the al-Zaidi’s handlers may have been funded by Raghad, the eldest daughter of former dictator Saddam Hussein.

At little more info on the tosser, and I mean that in a British sense as well:

Al-Zeidi is a correspondent for al-Baghdadia, a pro-Baathist television station based in Cairo, Egypt, that some suspect is funded by Raghad.

So, to all the people that cheered this mouth piece for the moral equivalent of the Nazis or any old CCCP Pravda, nice job. Way to support democracy, freedom, and all things fun in the world.

I found this at The Daily Beast. Another interesting news site in an alternative non MSM vein.


Brooke said...

"Reports in the Arab media indicate that the Iraqi shoe thrower, Muntather al-Zaidi may have been planning his assault on President Bush for more than a year, helped by Iraqi Baathists seeking to overthrow the U.S,-backed government."

If that's true... Bwaahaahaaaahaaahaaaaa!

Chuck said...

So, to all the people that cheered this mouth piece for the moral equivalent of the Nazis or any old CCCP Pravda, nice job. Way to support democracy, freedom, and all things fun in the world.

I assume by this you meant the American media. They reffered to this moron as a hero. They will not report this like they did not report the fact that most of the journalists in the room apologized to Bush and said this did not represent the Iraqi people. See link below for some good articles on the MSM reporting of this incident.


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Kissinger Doing the Weather
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