27 October, 2008

Let's Go Over This Again

As I have stated before, certain words should never have any sequence in flying out of your mouth:
John McCain: I knew John Keating
Dennis Kucinich: anything about aliens
Joe Biden: anything
Sarah Palin: let's talk about foreign policy
Barack Obama: spread the wealth

There is a reoccurring theme here bambinos,
Redistribution of Wealth
Redistribution of Wealth through legislation
Give him the House, give him the Senate and maybe the Supreme Court and then give him your paycheck
hat tip drudge

another thought is going through my massive cranium, is he meaning reparations? After doing some genealogy, my family didn't start getting here until after the 1880s. Sorry, I'm out. And what about the illegals, do they have to pay reparations as well?

Since we're on "obama is communist/socialist/white sox fan" topic:

it's a very catchy little ditty.


Chuck said...

I'm posting on this also. Problem is, the word won't get out.

Always On Watch said...

I'm going to nab this and post it.

Obob said...

it is all over the place

Patrick M said...

Obama's a Marxist in favor od redistribution of wealth?

Wow, what a shock.

Love the song. Didn't find it here, but it's going to get posted on my blog tomorrow.

Brooke said...

I posted on this, too!

Did you hear the call for reparations? Looks like some of that God d*mn America stuff did sink in after all.

Marie's Two Cents said...

I just cant believe that ANYONE would vote for someone who tells you to your face that he is going to take things away from you, and YOU WILL LIKE IT!

We are going to put you all under Government control, AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!

We are going to redistribute your wealth AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!

We are going to cut off funding for the Troops in the middle of 2 wars AND YOU WILL LIKE IT!


We cant afford to be run into the ground by Barack Hussein Obama, Nutty Nancy Pelosi, and Dingey Harry Reid!

VOTE: McCain/Palin

Unknown said...

ANY tax policy is redistributing wealth!

Seems a good point of debate, which way that redistribution should go.

To bad I can't vote for a candidate that won't play that game and just cut government and taxes!

McCain wants to give it to corporations as tax breaks. Obama wants to give it to the people as tax breaks. That's the choice this election.

I fail to understand why you feel it's OK to give your tax money to rich corporations. I fail to understand why you want to give your tax money to anybody, rich, or poor.

I would think you would support a candidate that would not give your tax money away at all; even give it back to you, but that is not what McCain is going to do.

So when you speak McCain DON"T speak about lower taxes and smaller government because that will not happen under a President McCain, nor has he said he would do anything like that.

In fact, for the first time in History, he wants to tax health benefits the people get from their employer. A "new" tax that will never end. This "new" tax benefits who? Hurts who?

How can McCain say "no new taxes" and then have this tax as part of his policy to help Americans get health care?

If you believe you will get what either of these guys promise, your nuts! They are both lying!

Anonymous said...

Ha! It's laughable but at the same time, it's not. (If that makes any sense?)

Obob said...

there are three things that are inevitable in life:
death, taxes & my mom to be the last one to leave after church.
we will be taxed. I prefer it to be at a minimum with money going to support necessary government programs, federal or state.
As for obama, this statement is consistent with his lack of ideological transparency. We know mccain and his shift to the right.

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
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