22 September, 2008

Politics in real life

When I play soccer, or make the feeble attempt, there is usually 6 to 12 kids on sidelines belonging to the parents. Last night, my son and couple wandered off with a few of te varmits and I went to bring them back to the fold.

Asking them to come back failed, so I told them,

"Anyone who doesn't come back supports tax hikes!"

All but my youngest nephew fled for fiscal freedom. I gotta work on that little Marxist.


Z said...

Cute story, Obob..and great cartooon.

Ah, those were the days! Now get that little marxist straightened out!! He must go to public school!

Beth said...

Your nephew just knows that it is his patriotic duty to pay taxes!!

Obob said...

his father and grandfather will not be thrilled. But we know communism nor socialsim cannot exist without the establishment of capitalism.

Joe Gringo said...

You caught that little boy just in time!

Chuck said...

I'm with Beth, he's just a little patriot

Anonymous said...

You better get that boy straightened out fast!! LOL

Awesome cartoon!!

"feeble attempt" had me laughing out loud! I know that feeling all too well!

Brooke said...


My seven-year-old girl learned the burn of taxation when she was denied a soda because she didn't have the change for tax after the dollar cost.

I gave her the sales tax, and she groused the whole time about how it wasn't fair that tax exists! LOL!

Beth said...

Brooke, wait till she gets the shock from her first paycheck being ransacked by taxes!!!!

Anonymous said...

Maybe he was more afraid of the man yelling at him than the punishment of higher taxes - which he doesn't understand anyways. Run boy run, don't let the bad man get a hold of you. The bad man will offer lower taxes (candy) just to get in to your pants!

Beth said...

You've got the bad man and the candy backwards, time, the bad man is the one who promises you free health care and the like (the candy) if you vote for him. Then he raises everyone's taxes to pay for it. Bad man, very bad man!

Obob said...

he'll change soon as he realizes how much he can't buy, like brooke's girl

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
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