30 May, 2008

Obob Returns Once Again

Well, the summer is here and I'm back. The last month has been batshit.
The short story, I left my job of 7+ years at a phenomenal school. A mix of choice and consequence. No hard feelings and quite an amicable split to be honest. The humbling part was the impact I made on the children, staff and parents. But enough of that. On to free agency.

Back to reality. I watching the DNC Rules Committee argue and bicker over the clusterfart they created with Michigan and Florida. I take this back, this can't be real.

Wexler from the 19th District is a posturing little turd. You get what elect there kids. He's arguing about how unfair 2000 was, apparently he missed Scalia telling him to get over it. He fails to realize his peeps created the mess with the ballots the fabricated. But I digress. And GW gets blamed plus Jeb. Quality people you got there assheads.

To say I'm thrilled with the behavior of the GOP at times, this is ridiculous. How can the GOP lose to an immature catty group? It's like watching a group of schoolgirls debate valid poetical thought of N'Sync versus the Backstreet Boys.

Not done with this ...

Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan wore the appropriate attire for this Committee meeting of the DNC.

Word just broke they went half vote. So instead of 3/5ths, y'all in those two states are half the value due to the gross incompetence and vain arrogance. But according to Levin, it's all about the "sequence."

And this group of yahoos is protesting their own party not GW. I love it when a plan comes together.

25 May, 2008

10 May, 2008

Live in the Past or Die in the Future

The dullard known as Obob has found a new annoyance. This is clearly built on bias and counter thought to the media/intellectual establishment.
The friggin' hippies and neo-hippies that infest our import elements of mass media and ivory towers are starting to hit a narcissistic masturbation of opinion. Let me start.
Today's Real Clear Politics.com had three articles reflecting 1968. One is a piss and moan piece by Chomsky. The second fondly remembers the protest of Paris. The last is justly critical of the dirty hippies. All of my facist opinions and simple words could be switched by someone of the opposite brainwaves. Thus part of my point on the beauty of diverse thoughts that are discouraged by the Left and its prophets of tyranny.

  • Noam Chomsky on 1968:

    Nineteen sixty-eight was one exciting moment in a much larger movement. It spawned a whole range of movements. There wouldn't have been an international global solidarity movement, for instance, without the events of 1968. It was enormous, in terms of human rights, ethnic rights, a concern for the environment, too.

    As I read the article, I expected to have had Chomsky proclaim the tattoo of "1968" placed on his lower back side like a tramp stamp.

  • Paris on the Anniversary of the 1968 Protests from the NYT

    France puts great stock in anniversaries. On your Paris map, you’ll find streets named “8 Mai 1945” and “4 Septembre” and squares called “8 Novembre 1942,” “18 Juin 1940,” “19 Mars 1962,” and, most recently, “Place du 8 FĂ©vrier 1962” — this one so christened last year on the anniversary of a protest for peace in Algeria. Flags come out, like the mammoth Tricouleur under the Arc de Triomphe for today’s Victory Day; newspapers groan under weighty ruminations; officials don sashes.

    I am eternally grateful to the French for Bleu Cheese for my Hot Wings, their aid in The Revolutionary War, and electing Sarkozy, but to encourage our hippies was not cool. Plus I am jealous I can't pull of the super cool beatnik thing with huge black sunglasses
  • Rich Lowery's critical piece on the actions in 1968 is at least logical

    Before we had our long national nightmare (Watergate), we had our long national temper tantrum. In America, student protests were an indulgence of the privileged, a wail by baby boomer kids raised in unprecedented affluence against their parents' authority.
    To accuse of "fascism" a generation that bled in the mud of Normandy fighting the Axis took a massive historical ignorance and overweening self-regard. The New Left had both.
    As the establishment that is the Media starts to look forty years into the past in fond memories, some of us will cringe. It isn't that they used their freedom of speech legally, it is the consequences and lack of awareness.

  • Anyone can shout from the mountaintop for justice, I get it. But to be caught up in the moment and commit crimes then never reconcile. In fact drag a Presidential candidate into your web of hate, is immoral. And if that candidate cannot acknowledge a crime against the US in the manner of Weathermen was treason, he needs not take the Oval Office. At least Bubba somewhat got it.

    This may be the last post for sometime and I'll come around to visit when time allows. I have three weeks left of school and I'm in free agency.

    09 May, 2008

    Top 5 All Time Steven Wright

    There's a fine line between fishing and just standing on the shore like an idiot.
    - Steven Wright

    04 May, 2008

    Another Reason to live by Highlander

    I'm sure this has been mocked, but time hasn't let me chirp in.
    If you have ever seen the epic 80s film, Highlander, you get it. If not, a quick synopsis:
    A bunch of guys running around chopping off each other's heads throughout history to get the "Prize." The "Prize" is a god-like knowledge and super abilities. Christopher Lambert and Sean Connnery are the stars.
    But the catch phrase is:
    "There can be only one."
    Now, I am not advocating a death match between Hillary and Obama, I put my money on here for her toughness, but it is something to grin about.

    03 May, 2008

    Get Fuzzy or Get a Life

    This cartoon made me chuckle for a few reasons:
    1. I am the low end of the totem pole
    2. Most Democrats look like they have a wicked canker sore due to the inhouse lovefest known as their primary. If Hillary can win Indiana, place well in NC, and we look at the general population votes with Michigan/Florida, the Democrats show the true spirit of their name.
    3. Anytime you can add a Pinto in a cartoon gets bonus points with the mighty Obob
    4. Our narcissistic and failure to be aware of consequences in our society is prevalent in the copycat video beatings compliments of Youtube. Youtube is not to blame our society and its need to be loved, accepted and fear of being unknown is to blame.

    Kissinger Doing the Weather

    Kissinger Doing the Weather
    Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
    Marriage is love.

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