07 August, 2008

Yeah, the Europain's cain't speel eithur

from the Telegraph compliments of Fark.com

Many undergraduates misspell basic words such as "their", "speech" or even "Wednesday" in essays, it is claimed.
First year students are the worst offenders, despite already spending at least 13 years in the education system.
Standards have deteriorated to such an extent that one leading academic has been forced to ignore common errors altogether.

I cannot tell a lie, my skillz in grammar, spelling and trying to put a friggin' sentence together lack a certain ... amount of basic skills.

And is it tragic that I celebrate the failure of what is considered a superior educational system? Am I bitter? Heck, I'm tickled pink by the trading of Brett Farvara to the Jets.

And the massive crapstorm Hillary is conjuring going into Denver for the DNC convention? It could be a biblical disaster not blamed on global warming. But somehow will be GW's fault.

Do I really care what people think?


Brooke said...

Brett is a retirement flip-flopper! ;)

Thank goodness for spell check... I have the kind that checks as you type. It really has forced me to improve.

Patrick M said...

I think we'd all be lost without spell check.

But it's the sheer lack of desire of the average person, owing partially to the IM culture, partly to the lack of success of government schools, and mostly sheer laziness, to even attempt to string together anything resembling a cogent sentence that really annoys me. Especially when I can produce monstrously long sentences just for fun.

With Hillary back in the news though, you can bet Barry is going to be sweating it come convention time. OPERATION CHAOS LIVES!!!

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
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