30 May, 2008

Obob Returns Once Again

Well, the summer is here and I'm back. The last month has been batshit.
The short story, I left my job of 7+ years at a phenomenal school. A mix of choice and consequence. No hard feelings and quite an amicable split to be honest. The humbling part was the impact I made on the children, staff and parents. But enough of that. On to free agency.

Back to reality. I watching the DNC Rules Committee argue and bicker over the clusterfart they created with Michigan and Florida. I take this back, this can't be real.

Wexler from the 19th District is a posturing little turd. You get what elect there kids. He's arguing about how unfair 2000 was, apparently he missed Scalia telling him to get over it. He fails to realize his peeps created the mess with the ballots the fabricated. But I digress. And GW gets blamed plus Jeb. Quality people you got there assheads.

To say I'm thrilled with the behavior of the GOP at times, this is ridiculous. How can the GOP lose to an immature catty group? It's like watching a group of schoolgirls debate valid poetical thought of N'Sync versus the Backstreet Boys.

Not done with this ...

Sen. Carl Levin of Michigan wore the appropriate attire for this Committee meeting of the DNC.

Word just broke they went half vote. So instead of 3/5ths, y'all in those two states are half the value due to the gross incompetence and vain arrogance. But according to Levin, it's all about the "sequence."

And this group of yahoos is protesting their own party not GW. I love it when a plan comes together.


Anonymous said...

welcome back!

Beth said...

Yea! Obob is back!

This whole election is so crazy, I keep hoping we'll wake up and realize it's all been a terrible nightmare.

Anyway, I hope your free agency goes well.

Obob said...

I am very glad to be back. As crazy as this will become, it'll be a hoot.

Texas Truth said...

Welcome back. You are correct. They acted so childish. If they get the White House, it will be like kids in a sandbox.

Always On Watch said...

The short story, I left my job of 7+ years at a phenomenal school. A mix of choice and consequence.

Still, it's tough.

Some 10 years ago, I left a school where I had worked for 18 years. It was a private school, and when the new owners took over, we discovered that we were indeed incompatible with regard to educational philosophy.

I've been a free agent ever since. The money isn't nearly as good, but I can sleep at night.

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
Marriage is love.

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