obob will become sentimental, foolish and darn well idiotic the next couple days. On Saturday, my fraternity will be celebrating the last homecoming at the Green Mansion. As mentioned before, we were the poor house. We had the lowest dues, we were ugly, we drank with no manners, we were brothers. We still are. I love these guys.
Can you find the magic obob in this picture?
This picture on the right is circa 1992 for all betting purposes
The answer:
I'm the bottom left in the first picture with the "that drunk fraternity brother who wears the tacky fishing hat" on my once hair-covered dome. Thus, the second to right on the picture below toasting the frightened camerman. Dead sexy in tux with all modesty.
Is this suppose to be like "Where's Waldo"?
Do you have NEOEA day?
...I' gonna' take a stab at it... its either the guy with the sick yellow shirt in the back, or the one with the ridiculous mullet and plumb shirt in the front.....
What say you?....
(my apologies for the acid sarcasm,... Obob has no greater "man love" than from the house of Truth-Pain.. :-)
Aw, happy anniversary! ;)
You probably ain't the Asian dude, bottom photo, you are either #1, #3, or #4....I'll say #3, 'cause he's the only one with a tie.
Tip one or two for me while you're at it.
keep fishing
I'll guess far left in the 1992 picture.
ha...what a great buncha guys!
The second from the right was going to be my next guess!
You are a handsome devil, you.
I am sure that I there are similar picturs of me, but I neithr have them nor can I remember if we even bothered with a camera most nights.
Hard to focus a cemra when you can't focus on the camera.....
Happy anniversary
obob is on the far right, right?
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