And the Bears beat the communist/socialist/so evil Hillary goes to them for campaign advice packers.
Did I mention the packer nation is godless? Not in an atheist or agnostic way. But in a pagan worshipping manner that would sacrifice their child like Agamemnon did to get a gust of wind for a winning field goal.

saw the SNL skit..ha!..have a great day buddy~!
Oh that Video was hillarious LOL
Great Post Obob!
Have your fun now, the PACK will win the conference.
the Bears can go 2-14, as long as they sweep the pack, I'm good.
The video is such a tragic ode to unknown love, made me cry
I would have loved to seen Ahmadinejad's reaction to that video, that would be priceless I'm sure!
football - schmootball!
i'll stay with golf!
great vid - i love this youtube generation!
I figured you would be in good spirits after they throttled the Packers..... i hate to think what a 16-0 season in the future may do to you....
Too funny!
The video, I mean.
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