24 July, 2007

A Time to Chill ... Nope

the House of Obob has been chaotic this summer. My future may be coming upon a fork in the road that will test everything I have been taught from my family to my friends to God. But, I have the strangest feeling of comfort if I go to that place. There is no fear, only the knowledge I have been trained to accept the challenge and win. Do I sound psychotic? That isn't a stretch from my real persona not the hip cat you see online.

So game on.


Brooke said...

Nah, you don't sound crazy.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Do you sound psychotic? Nope

You can do it my friend.
Hang in ther and be strong.

nanc said...


you okay?


WomanHonorThyself said...

When u see a fork in the road: take it!..heh...good luck in whatever it is my friend!

Obob said...

the stress level decreased by half, thanks for putting up with me

Beth said...

You memtioned at my blog about those voices in your head, if you listen to them I am sure they will direct you on the right path.

Nice blog you have here, btw, very colorful!


Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
Marriage is love.

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