24 July, 2007

Fat Tip

Where was the mighty Obob? I blessed to work in a neighborhood bar with regulars who take very good care of me, but this is sick.

LONDON (Reuters) - A Middle Eastern businessman spent over $210,000 in a five-hour, champagne- and vodka-fuelled spending spree in a London nightclub at the weekend.
The unnamed big spender entered Crystal at midnight on Saturday with friends -- nine women and eight men -- and ordered a $50 bottle of white wine, a spokesman for the club said.

his party supplies:
- magnums of Dom Perignon at $1,400 each
- a Methuselah -- eight bottles in one -- of Cristal Champagne at $60,000
- a "night cap" consisting of a Methuselah of Belvedere vodka, which cost $2,800.

"He basically just said, 'keep the drinks flowing,'" the club spokesman said.
When the party left at 5 a.m., the bill was 81,471.50 pounds, which with tax and service added amounted to 105,805.28 pounds -- $218,000. It included the cost of six Coca-Colas.

Bartender etiqutte is to throw in a soda for the driver or just to keep the party going, but at what point are you padding the tab? Over the summer I've been telling customers I'm bartending in the off-season for the fence we had built and a playset for children, with the tip here I could put in the deck we're putting off for next summer.


nanc said...

freakin' spendy alcoholics...

WomanHonorThyself said...

good Lawd!..long time no see Obob!..yea thats a tad over the top or would that be tap!..lmboooooooooo

Brooke said...

Whoa... That's a lotta booze.

Rita Loca said...

OT, I am curious as to what your wife thought abut the hammock?

Obob said...

I love me some Belvedere. It makes me funny and handsome

Freedomnow said...

It may be 8 bottles in one, but $60,000 for one bottle of Champagne is outrageous.

I bet it doesnt taste much better than a $30-50 bottle.

The bottle itself is expensive because it is lead crystal, but is this mysterious businessman going to keep the bottle and treasure it?

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
Marriage is love.

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