08 December, 2008

you mean she used us?

I love the smack on her constituents of New York. Like Bill, y'all just another step in her self serving ladder to heavenly political nirvana. He's right, this the change you nimrods voted for in obama.


Patrick M said...

Gotta love that "Change we can believe in" now.

Although I likened the Clintons more to ugly-assed luggage. Always have it around and you don't really want it.

Or, similarly, herpes.

Brooke said...

Who knew "change" was a bunch of Clinton retreads? LOL!

Shaw Kenawe said...

"...just another step in her self serving ladder to heavenly political nirvana."

Aw, c'mon, Obob, stop talking about Sarah like that!

Unknown said...

"the change you nimrods voted for in Obama."

So what name do we call the intellectuals who voted for Bush and the Republicans who have brought the greatest country in the world for over 200 years, to financial ruin.

I have no problem that partisans like yourself don't like Obama (even though he hasn't even taken office yet) but how you can think Bush is a good President, just shows how deep your delusion is.

It's sick that the conservative cry now is, "we had nothing to do with all these current financial problems (even though we have had the White House for the last 8 years).

Pull your head out of .......the sand.

Reality is the only way to get out of these problems, and you don't have any. You political comments mean nothing when you show how unenlightened you are politically.

Obob said...

patrick: at least we'll be entertained
brooke: my point, this isn't change. just another episode of dramedy
shaw: I will put you on list in the a.m. but at least sarah worked her way in alaska not as a carpetbagger. Which leads me to another post about my disdain of most current country music
time: I am astute politically. shocking. and the GOP deserves mucho credito for fiscal chaos. but I mock those who felt obama would bring change. obama is a poser. sorry. but I dig ya time like the rest. last beer for the night.

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Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
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