This one goes out to all the parents out there, doesn't it seem like mass chaos ensues when you go to use the John Crapper?
It never fails. Maybe it's the acoustics that make it sound worse. Maybe my little scamps really have been trained by a legion of undead democrats to cause anarchy and social inequities. Don't know. I just want to drop a deuce in peace and quiet.
With that being said, Happy New Year. Gotta bartend tonight and enjoy the amateurs stumble in an intoxicated waltz.
The day after:
Easily survived the shift. Almost had a barfight that would have been quickly comical. A drunk guy who did not hold his alcohol well apparently offended some older neck. So as the neck is singing "I'm Gonna Whoop Somebody's Ass" in a effort to either intimidate or be the first cock knocker of the new year, failed to evaluate his surroundings. Sure he had two friends, but they were not ready to fight. His failure of awareness would have swiftly brought a bartender with temporary anger issues, an person of large proportions who would have had my back and military trained individual who could have displaced all of us.
I properly informed the drunk ass it was unacceptable behavior and to get over it. Cooler heads prevailed and I got them all home via taxi. It would have been fun. The schmuck would never have seen it coming.
And I was laid up with the flu all day. Non booze related. Drew my ire in a nasty way.
Have a great New Year's!
Happy New Year to you and yours safe..MY Friend
I hope you survive amateur night. When I was a cop I was actually afraid to drive on New Year's Eve. Professional drunks are one thing, amateurs quite another. Duck!
Happy New Year Obob.
Good luck....from a former professional amateur on NY's Eve...heh
Happy New Year Obob
Happy New Year, Obob!
Good luck with dropping that load. ;) The only time mine are quiet and well-behaved is when they are unconscious.
and remember to tell your customers, "don't drink and drive - you might spill your drink!" or something like that.
Free taxi service for New Year's Eve!
Last night, at a local quickmart, some teenagers were out on a scavenger hunt. They actually took a photo of me. At least they wished me, "Happy New Year!"
Bob, you're probably sleeping in today. Good idea.
May 2009 be a blessed year for you.
Somehow when I lock that door, I am able to block out all the noise from the kids. I must have a gift!
Happy 2009, Obob!
History teaches that a society that does not value its warriors will be destroyed by a society that does. - Jack Kelly
Love that quote I found on your blog and I may start using it on some of my posts.
Voice Of Conservative America
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