05 October, 2008

But let's not talk about Chicago.

Obama claims to have learned to toughen up from Chicago. But as John Kass puts it:

The Chicago Way is a road the Beltway media establishment dare not travel. It must frighten them. It conflicts with their fairy tale about Obama as reformer, and they're much too busy rummaging through garbage cans in Alaska to bother about Chicago's political alleys
due to the fact it would send them:

A trip down the Chicago Way would force them to re-examine their ridiculous narrative that sets Obama as a political reformer riding a white horse, or is that a winged unicorn?
Questions for "the one we may not question":

  • How do you feel about Daley's cronies and the $100 million in affirmative action contracts they acquired? These are mob connected individuals. Did you not suspect anything?
  • Could explain this nonexistent Machine and "innocent" people in jail on corruption charges?
  • Why is you mentor from the Statehouse, Senate President Emil Jones (D-ComEd), able to take control over 600k in campaign funds back into Jones' pocket?
  • What about that "bone-headed" land purchase from that misunderstood convicted felon, Rezko?
  • What about your endorsing of the corrupt Daley hack, Dorothy Tillman?

  • And the Bears won.


    Patrick M said...

    We've heard all the Dirt on McCain. He's been around for a two decades.

    We've heard all the dirt on Biden. He's been around for three decades.

    And we've heard all the dirt on Sarah. She's been around a month.

    Notice anyone missing?

    BTW, this is what you get for associating with Chicago teams.

    Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

    Don't trust Barry's sh**-eating grin for a second.

    Obob said...

    I uhh disapprove uhh of these uhh unwarrented attacks uhhh on any corruption I uhh looked the other way uhh I mean uhhh failed to notice.

    Brooke said...

    Obama is particularly hesitant about anyone speaking about his opposing a bill giving babies born alive from botched abortions the right to receive treatment instead of being left to die.

    One of his Chicago exploits...

    Anonymous said...

    I believe it's a unicorn......:-)

    We couldn't possibly question the chosen one, now could we?

    Chuck said...

    I think these attempts by the McCain campaign to define Obama is going to draw blood. As Patrick said, there's not a lot new about McCain, Palin, or Biden, the only one missing is Obama. I think he is highly susceptible to being defined. The real problem for him though is that he will have no real defense because the one thing that can damage him is the truth.

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