25 September, 2008

Even Chevy says keep real

Sometimes you have to admit you are wrong.

I developed a wee little crush on Campbell Brown during the 2000 election. I found her attractive, intelligent and fairly objective in her coverage of GW.
Apparently she gave that sexist McCain campaign a necessary talkin' to.

This woman is from Alaska for crying out loud. She is strong, she is tough, she is confident. And you claim she is ready to be one heartbeat away from the presidency. If that is the case, then end this chauvinistic treatment of her now. Allow her to show her stuff.
Allow her to face down those pesky reporters just like Barack Obama did today, just like John McCain did today. Just like Joe Biden has done on numerous occasions. Let her have a real news conference with real questions.
Alright, let's breath a focus here Campbell. Have you been paying attention? Unless it's been O'Reilly, Obama has had a free pass. If the MSM has been "pesky" on Obama, the vermin should have a restraint order filed by the McCain camp.

And as for Palin and sexism, have you seen the treatment by the press on her? If the feminist members of the Fourth Estate and any credibility left, it was eradicated the past month or so. Allah forbid a woman defy their doctrine and ideology to be independent of Gloria Steinem's cult. Hence why I dig Camille Paglia, that crafty old lesbian has no fear intellectually with her wit and prose.


Brooke said...

I swear, I cannot perform the mental gymnastics necessary to make sense of these leftists! AGRH!

Patrick M said...

Well, you can ditch that crazy ol' Campbell. We've got Sarah to crush on. Yum-o!

But I wish she was out doing more critical press. It would give me more ammo to shoot down the moonbats.

Chuck said...

Obob, I used to like Campbell Brown too. I agree it seems she used to be a little more even handed. Now though, she's one of the wackiest of the whackjobs. Speaking of the MSM, if you want a good read, check this out, found it on Drudge today. This guy rips the media a large hole.


Z said...

isn't she married to Dan Senor? She's very liberal in her segments on CNN and I thought he was very pro the Iraq war and worked for Bush, didn't he?

is this the reverse of a new Matlin/Carville duo?

WomanHonorThyself said...

ah yes we do have Sarah and are dang lucky..she may just save our tuchuses!!

Z said...

what did CHEVY SAY?

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
Marriage is love.

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