There are a plethora of "pick you candidate games" going around. This one is from USA Today.
We know the drill, play the e-harmony test to see who you political "love" match is. Once again I fall under Huckabee's camp. I'm not complaining, at least it wasn't that Gollum looking schmuck. Get rid of him Ohio. Do the right thing.
I'm still a Fred-Head though.
For grins and giggles I went the opposite of my ideology... Duncan Hunter tied with Gollum. Very odd.
obob - did you take the test?
That is a very cool matrix, since you can play with the rankings of how important the various issues are in relation to each other. When I did that, I got Fred Thompson as my #1 choice, unfortunately though I don't like how he has been dancing around the pro-life issues, and that was not something this test measured.
btw, hope you don't mind I posted the link at my blog to the USA Today quiz, and gave you credit obob for alerting me to it.
dang I'm still so undecided!
I don't know WHO keeps voting for Gollum. It must be a band of old people who just pull the lever for whatever name they recognize.
Nanc's test gives me Brownback and then Hunter, with Dodd and Gollum on the bottom.
Obob's link gives me (in order) Mitt Romney, Ron Paul, and then Fred Thompson!
Oh, Margaret! :D
that was great obob, i'm posting it, thanks bro.
btw, Fred, Mitt, then Huck was what showed for me.
sort of can't argue, but certainly like D. Hunter
That was a coot quiz.
Fred Thompson (R - Narcolepsy) turns your crank?
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