One of my favorite columnist is the legendary speech writer for old Dutch, Peggy Noonan. This gifted lady of the gab is a wordsmith of wit and intelligence. Her insight is rivaled by few and kinda makes me randy. Something about a woman and intelligence makes the humbled Obob feeling funny in a cerebral manner. But back to Peggy Noonan.
She disassembles Her Highness Hillary by deconstructing any attempts of Hillary showing leadership and feminist strength. Her using of the Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher, as her personal 105 mm howitzer is brilliant:
but the bullet to head like the one that murdered Vince Foster comes here:
She disassembles Her Highness Hillary by deconstructing any attempts of Hillary showing leadership and feminist strength. Her using of the Iron Lady, Margaret Thatcher, as her personal 105 mm howitzer is brilliant:
Margaret Thatcher would no more have identified herself as a woman, or claimed special pleading that she was a mere frail girl, or asked you to sympathize with her because of her sex, than she would have called up the Kremlin and asked how quickly she could surrender.
She represented a movement. She was its head. She was great figure, a person in history, and she was a woman. She was in it for serious reasons, not to advance the claims of a gender but to reclaim for England its economic freedom, and return its political culture to common sense. Her rise wasn't symbolic but actual.
but the bullet to head like the one that murdered Vince Foster comes here:
The point is the big ones, the real ones, the Thatchers and Indira Gandhis and Golda Meirs and Angela Merkels, never play the boo-hoo game. They are what they are, but they don't use what they are. They don't hold up their sex as a feint: Why, he's not criticizing me, he's criticizing all women! Let us rise and fight the sexist cur.
When Hillary Clinton suggested that debate criticism of her came under the heading of men bullying a defenseless lass, an interesting thing happened. First Kate Michelman, the former head of NARAL and an Edwards supporter, hit her hard. "When unchallenged, in a comfortable, controlled situation, Sen. Clinton embraces her elevation into the 'boys club.' " But when "legitimate questions" are asked, "she is quick to raise the white flag and look for a change in the rules."
Noonan's article is excellent; and I especially enjoyed the anecdote at the beginning of her essay. And, she's right. Clinton is no Maggie Thatcher. As with Reagan, I fear it will be a long time before we see another politician with their flair for diplomacy.
Thank you for this post, Obob . . . and for stopping by at Social Sense.
Semper Fi
This is outstanding. I am going to link this post from my place.
thanks robert
can you imagine what she must be like at her "time of the month"?
this is a spot on assessment of her highnasty.
thankx for sharing, obob.
Great post! They couldn't be more different. Hillary is a walking agenda.
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