Remember when they sold carbon offesets? They may still sell these scams, I just don't travel enough to notice. As we recall, these were enviromental indulgences where you paid for your guilt when you traveled in a godless jumbojet or biplane. That thought when through my feeble grey matter when I saw this cartoon.
With that being poorly written, have you seen the hybrid SUV commerical where the teenage girl asks dad to drop her off a distance away from her cool green friends. Apparently, they are into the green thing in that part of town and she may be shunned like a leper or some crap like that. The dad casually says his SUV is a hybrid and the BS ensues. If my daughter said that, I would tell her to go Ed Begly Jr. and take a friggin' bike.
This commercial blatantly projects the juvenile attitude of the green movement.
If you are weak enough to fall from some middle school level peer pressure in buying a hybrid because of this commercial. We need to to talk. It is not a bad thing to buy a hybrid, it's your choice. I disagree with creating a social caste system to those who chose free will over arrogant marketing.
Good post, and I agree with you about that commerical. Every time I see it, I want to change the channel. Also, even Prius's make more CO2 than Hummers do, so I doubt that driving a hybrid SUV will help the planet at all.
What a pathetic commercial, even my 10 year old boy thinks it's a joke.
I do my part by filling up my 4-Door Dodge Truck, 5.7L / Hemi engine's 26 gallon tank every 5-6 days
I haven't seen this commercial, but it makes me cringe from the mere description of it.
What I want to know is, is there any obvious way to know if a car is a hybrid or not? I mean if there isn't then that commercial is even more stupid.
Also the commerical where the guy asks a bunch of kids if they are vegetarians, because the car is a vegetarian. Wouldn't it be funny if kids started tossing in their uneaten broccoli into their parents' gas tanks?
when i and my kids saw this they wanted me to go put $120 bucks worth of gas in the suburban and go for a ride!
they have no use for treehugging greenies.
i cannot believe the little girl - as knowledgeable as they make her out to be in the commercial - didn't know her family had a hybrid!
happy thanksgiving, obob.
I glad to see I'm not the only one out there insulted by this commercial. I got a new one to toss to y'all later.
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