I found a compelling piece from the Telegraph.com questioning how we will be judged by history for allowing abortion. The article begins by comparing the horrors and social injustice of Africans to that of unborn children. For the record, I am pro choice ... the child should have a choice in the matter. So in reality, I'm pro-life.
The author talks about visiting a slave trade museum in Londonstan and ponders how we will be judged 200 years from now. Will we be perceived as just humanists making sure society is fit by the fit or cruel barbarians who left the weak to die by the blade or salt? Either way, I see smell shirtless men screaming, "This is Sparta!"
I found these some of the best quotes. I make no bones about it, I do not like abortion and am against it. Please do not play nuances with me, it's old hat.
The author talks about visiting a slave trade museum in Londonstan and ponders how we will be judged 200 years from now. Will we be perceived as just humanists making sure society is fit by the fit or cruel barbarians who left the weak to die by the blade or salt? Either way, I see smell shirtless men screaming, "This is Sparta!"
It is not hard to imagine how a future Museum of London exhibition about abortion could go. It could buy up a 20th-century hospital building as its space, and take visitors round, showing them how, in one ward, staff were trying to save the lives of premature babies while, in the next, they were killing them.
It could compare the procedure by which the corpse of a baby who had died after or during premature birth was presented by the hospital to the mother to assist with grieving, with the way a similar corpse, if aborted, was thrown away.
It could display the various instruments that were used to remove and kill the foetus, rather as the manacles and collars of slaves can be seen today.
It could make a telling show of the propaganda that was used to promote abortion – the language of choice, control of a woman over her own body – and compare it with less happy information about the infertility caused by abortion, or depression or about the link between breast cancer and having an abortion before the birth of the first child.
It could show how women, vulnerable and often alone, came under pressure from the medical authorities to have an abortion without being offered help with the alternative.
The museum could make a pretty devastating contrast between the huge growth of rights for the disabled, which began in the late-20th century, and the fact that the disability (or even mild deformity) of a child was always grounds for abortion.
I found these some of the best quotes. I make no bones about it, I do not like abortion and am against it. Please do not play nuances with me, it's old hat.
But what I dig about this article are the intellectual questions to studied a couple centuries from now when Paris Hilton is held in high regard ;)
fascinating angle on such a complex issue Obob..ty for stating your case and so boldy!
Very interestingly done. I am trying to catch up with all the blogs. I haven't had internet access much as I travel.
The pro-aborts use all sorts of justifications for their position, but finally the technology is there to prove what pro-lifers have been saying all along, that abortion kills a human life. It truly is time for us as a society to stop allowing this barbaric act.
i don't believe abortion will go the road of slavery - the world is too far in its grasp.
people will ALWAYS try to moralize their bad behavior.
our 15 year old, brilliant and beautiful daughter was born at 26 weeks gestation - i cannot imagine what people are thinking when they have an abortion at this (or any) stage of pregnancy.
G-d, help u.s. obob - we do not deserve his blessings.
Great post, Obob! I could not agree more.
Great post. I wish that liberals could understand the point you are making here.
thanks everyone. One of my critical complaints with the liberal philosophy, is the lack of consequence. Far to often policies maintained by the left have a populist appeal, but lack forsight. From views on welfare, abortion, affirmative action to the war on terror, they seem to lose sight of what lies down the road.
I have one for ya that will make ya think I hope this comes out right.
Pregnant Tummy
Take a good look at this pregnant tummy and if you have liberal readers on here once they see this it may change thier minds, or anyones mind about having this procedure done.
take visitors round, showing them how, in one ward, staff were trying to save the lives of premature babies while, in the next, they were killing them.
One of my former colleagues had an abortion while she was in college. Many years later, she gave birth to a premie (2 lbs 2 oz) and commented on the sickening irony.
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