In support of the blogosphere wide protest of the junta in Burma, I am offering my humble abode. We are witnessing a political massacrea alike Tianmmen Square, the website FreeBurma.org offers information and contacts. While Free Burma! is out there as well.
This is not a bandwagon item, this is tyranny and tyranny is evil.
And my man Hitch chimes in:
Those who care or purport to care about human rights must start to discuss this problem in plain words. Is there an initiative to save the un-massacred remains of the people of Darfur? It will be met by a Chinese veto. Does anyone care about Robert Mugabe treating his desperate population as if it belonged to him personally? China is always ready to help him out. Are the North Koreans starved and isolated so that a demented playboy can posture with nuclear weapons? Beijing will give the demented playboy a guarantee. How long can Southeast Asia bear the shame and
misery of the Burmese junta? As long as the embrace of China persists. The identity of Tibet is being obliterated by the deliberate importation of Chinese settlers.
Thanks to Frayspoo for the tip.
Thanks Frayspoo and Obob for the info!
I read that Hitchens article, and I thought it was very good. What is happening in Burma is very, very wrong, and China should stop it. (Although I doubt they will).
Excellent points on China. How long can we hold our double standard that we stand for human rights while nuzzled so deeply in bed, economically, with China and continually outsourcing American jobs to them? If they aren't stepping on human rights themselves, they are facilitating it for others.
Thanks for the visit. I shall return.
When I heard China was getting the Olympics, I was peeved. But then I thought about all the journalists that will be in Red China peeking around for a scoop. Maybe they'll tell about the villagers rounded up and removed by goon squads. The pollution so bad traces are found in the Sierra Nevada mountains, but Kyoto did not apply to them.
But in the end, a huge no show like the Moscow games would be epic. But unlikely.
The good thing about Blogging is that things that normally avoids your radar screen in the normal couse of your day or evening, hits ya' right in the kisser when you least expected.
I've learned more about Burma in the past 24 hours than i've learned about anything else the past 6 months,.... well besides shoes, but thats another story...
Great post Obob. Props to Frayspoo
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