10 July, 2007

Drink the H2O, not the beer

In a slight turn of content, I must help my fellow bloggers. In the 15 or so years I have been bartending, I have met evil. It is called Miller Chill.
There is a legendary quote by the writer Dorothy Parker which goes somewhat ...
This book should not be taken lightly, it should be thrown with great force.
This beer should be thrown against the wall with the unbridled frenzy of a Prohibition agent!
Miller has introduced arguably the worst beer ever brewed. This act of appeasement for those seeking a "Mexican" flavor should be banished along with many supporters of amnesty of the illegals.

Basically, it tastes like Gatorade flavored beer strained through a dirty sock after a dead Chihuahua was bathed in it for two days.

Bad Beer!


Laurie said...

All beer is gross. Give me a pina colada ANY day!

Joe Gringo said...


That beer blows big time.

Anonymous said...

The worst beer ever, is Hamm's Lite.

You can't get it anymore, they went out of business.

Anonymous said...

So I take it this stuff gives new meaning to "bitter beer face"?

I've always been partial to a good Belhaven Ale.

Obob said...

I'm an Old Style kinda guy. Through out the years I've tried all the newfangled drinks by the reps, nothing beats a couple fingers of Knob Creek and a cold draft as a chaser

Dardin Soto said...

Obob,...it can't be worse than Burgermeister, or Hamms, or Rheingold,....
Do you put a lime in this thing too?...
Nice to be back after a long self-impossed exile...

Obob said...

glad to see you tp, and of course the ususal cast of characters. To be honest, I like Hamm's. I used to run around with a can in hand singing the jingle, "From the land of sky blue waters ..."

Anonymous said...

Sam Adams Light. The best beer in the world, next to a local beer brew in Annapolis only sold in the D.C. area.

I am back!

Joe Gringo said...

give me a red & white in a can anyday

Marie's Two Cents said...

And it looked so inviting on TV.

Now I think I will skip it after the sock thing lol

Brooke said...

Doesn't ALL Miller (and similar 'domestics') taste like Gatorade flavored beer strained through a dirty sock after a dead Chihuahua was bathed in it for two days?

I'm just sayin'...

If you're gonna drink beer, make it worthwhile!

nanc said...

i hate gatorade!

Kissinger Doing the Weather

Kissinger Doing the Weather
Back in the early 90s, I awoke with a wicked hang over one morning. As I sat on the floor watching the morning news, I swore I saw Harold Kissinger doing the weather. No one believed me. Professors discounted me. I have been vindicated.
Marriage is love.

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